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8 years ago @ http://afoolsingenuity... - My Thoughts // Why I A... · 1 reply · +1 points

Suuuuch a great post! I used to never have problems with DNF-ing because I abide by the 'life is too short to waste on reading bad books' principle. I never felt like I missed out on anything. But lately I've been receiving more ARCs and review copy and DNF-ing becomes more.... complicated. Like with books I got from Netgalley. I feel like I *have* to finish it because I request it, therefore it's my responsibility. It's only when the book is SO BAD and I can't stand to read anymore that I decide to DNF and post mr DNF review instead :')

Puput @ Sparkling Letters

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Tell Me Three Things R... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great review! I really love Tell Me Three Things as well, I thought it was gonna be gloomy and full of grief but turned out to be super adorable <3 I agree that though it is kind of predictable, I had a fun time guessing and having doubt about who SN might be! I'm also happy with the other love interest because just like you said, it adds the mystery to the whole story :P and the family element is just sooo adorable! Jessie's step brother turned out to be really sweet and the ending shows the potential of a happy family in the future :)
My recent post The Emoji Book Tag // Two of My Favorite Things in One Post

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Chatterbox: Why We Nee... · 1 reply · +1 points

I loved loved loved this post so much! <3 I'm so sad to see people being treated like that, especially in school where it's supposed to be one of the safest place for kids :( I'm Asian and Muslim but I'm a majority where I live, so never really know how it feels to be marginalized. But it really broke my heart to see a lot of POC and Muslims feeling threatened in US right now! It saddens me to see muslim women afraid of wearing their hijab in public :( I really hope people could me more tolerant and nicer! And I agree that diverse books are now ever more important than ever! My favorite so far would probably Juliet Takes A Breath and Homegoing, both deal with tough subjects that I don't normally read. I actually haven't read much, but I have lots and lots of diverse books on my TBR. Great post Jeann! <3
My recent post Review: VICIOUS // Villainous Characters + Genius Plot + Science = I’M OBSESSED!

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Crooked Kingdom Review... · 1 reply · +1 points

I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED WITH THIS BOOK TOO, JEANN! <3 it' so so so good! I love all the complexity, the intricate plot twists, the jokes, but especially the characters. Kaz would always be my favorite characters and I love reading his POV the most, but I was also glad to see ALL the crews got the chance to shine in this book. Everyone has their own problems and pasts to deal with and that makes them all so relatable. I loved loved loved them so much! <3 and YES TO THE SHIPS! I'm glad it didn't overshadow the plot but it was SO THERE! You just could feel it... those stolen glances and everything <3 I'm so gonna do a reread soon. Lovely review! :D
My recent post Review: Crooked Kingdom // I’m a whirlwind of emotion!

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - 12 Diverse Books You S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love love love Everything Leads to You and Ari & Dante! Both are so adorable are heartwarming <3 but I agree with you, Everything Leads to You is so refreshing because it doesn't deal with discovering sexuality. Also, I love Emi's job SO MUCH :P Written in the Stars deals with a very interesting topic but to me the characterization felt a bit flat and I'm honestly confused of the message the author was sending other than to bring awareness to the practice of arranged marriage. Did she meant to encourage people to 'defy' their culture? Or merely to follow their hearts? Regardless, this is an important issue that needs to be acknowledged widely :) great recs! <3
My recent post Review: Vassa in the Night // My First 1-Star Rating in A Long Time

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Indulgence Insider #59... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ohhh good luck with the new job and wedding planning! I heard that planning a wedding is the best and worst time a girl could experience :P but I hope everything goes well, Jeann! <3 anyway, that Rowaelin poster is SO GORGEOUS!! I don't even have the physical copy because it's not available yet in my country :( ebook would have to do haha I was just gonna start reading To All the Boys I've Loved Before and the third book is coming out? Well then I could binge read all of them :P

Thank you for featuring one my post Jeann that's so sweet of you! <3
My recent post Halloween Read-A-Thon TBR

8 years ago @ http://ivycladideas.bl... - 7 Reasons to Join a So... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ooohhh I agree! Joining a club is very important. Not only it is a positive past time, it also gives me skills I'm going to need in life. Back when I was in uni, I joined student council and dance, it was exhausting and time consuming but super fun! <3 but omg there's a quidditch club? What do they do?? :P
My recent post Do You Binge Read Books or Slowly Savor Them?

8 years ago @ http://skizzles22hu.bl... - (61) Top Ten Best of t... · 0 replies · +1 points

AHHH we chose the same topic and OMG I'm obsessed with Six of Crows and TWATD! And also ADSOM it's just the best series <3 and even though DoSB and Raven Cycle didn't make my list, I love them so much too! So great! Love your list :D
Link to My TTT ♥
My recent post Top 10 Tuesday: ALL TIME Favorite Fantasy Books

8 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - Top Ten Tuesday #92 · 1 reply · +1 points

I also chose this topic for today's TTT! Though we only had ADSOM in common, haha but I loveeeed DoSB, it's so amazing and beautifully written! <3 Nevernight is not yet available in my country, which is suck so bad, but I'm hoping to read it soon. Great list! :D
My recent post Top 10 Tuesday: ALL TIME Favorite Fantasy Books

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Chatterbox: When "Dive... · 1 reply · +1 points

I love this post! I agree with you, diversity is tricky, you don't give it, people become angry but if you give it wrong, more people become even angrier. I, for one, would rather not see any diversity at all than seeing a diverse but stereotypical character. Don't get me wrong though, I'm an Asian and Muslim so I know how it feels to want to be represented. I enjoy some good diverse stories but I also agree with what you said that authors could have incorporated ANY CULTURES into a story and it wouldn’t have made a difference. I guess what I'm saying is, it's either do it right or don't. And I'm actually scared to say this because the internet is so scary these days when it comes to diversity :')
My recent post The Joy and Struggle of Reviewing