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11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - WWE Working on Plans t... · 0 replies · -7 points
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Angle with John Cena a... · 3 replies · -22 points
2. Mark Henry was on such a roll and WWE nixes his feud to shove Bryan/Cena there because it works. This is a example of rushed happy booking.
The way I'd book it: Don't give Daniel Bryan the case, let Randy win it. Then next RAW have Bryan come out and mock Cena's wrestling ability. Eventually in the promo Bryan challenges Sandow, not for the case, but for bragging rights, basically "If I can beat the guy with the guaranteed title shot, I'm better then him." They feud. Randy Orton just dominates some jobbers for awhile. Kane challenges Orton for the case, or somebody, I don't really care who, it could be Punk or Ambrose, or whatever. Henry feuds with Cena until Summerslam.
Basically, build Bryan up to a fever pitch until Wrestlemania where he faces Cena, or Henry or Kane. Something tells me that Wrestlemania would be amazing.
Wrestling is, sadly in a dark age, because it doesn't connect with the generation of today. Now granted, the generation of today is into Justin Beiber, Ke$ha, Lady Gaga, but there are some consequences of UFC. Now WWE is viewed as something nerds watch in their basements at their mother's houses. That's going to stick with the word wrestling for a long time unfortunately. We just have to stick it out
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Major Problems at TNA ... · 0 replies · -7 points
I get we're fans, but nobody the IWC's age believes it's real.
Now as for Jeff Hardy: Either force him in rehab, like a normal wrestling company, which I don't think has happened yet, or job him out to every competitor they need until he quits. If Hardy IS off drugs, he at least needs counseling for the after effects.
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - The PEN15 Mightier (Ju... · 0 replies · +3 points
Take a look at the Attitude era for a second. Remember the top guys excluding Taker?
HBK, (who got over not with size, but with talent and charisma) Austin, Rock (a guy who went from boring babyface to incredible heel) Mick Foley, Owen Hart (who arguably would have been WWF's top heel if he hadn't died) Kane (Dr Issac Yankem, Fake Diesel) Austin was put with the Ringmaster, Rocky had a awful Blue Chipper gimmick, Foley tore himself apart for his spot. Owen was suited with Blue Blazer maybe because he didn't want a riskier storyline, and Glenn Jacobs couldn't get over with the fans. It was only when Austin and Rock snapped that they got over. It has nothing to do with "being held down" at least in my opinion, but taking advantage of your chances.
As long as Bryan makes the most of his chances, he'll be perfectly fine.
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Vince McMahon Says Tod... · 0 replies · +1 points
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - TNA Knockouts Tag Team... · 0 replies · 0 points
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Daniel Bryan and Randy... · 0 replies · +2 points
WWE has a G rated program that hides head moves by switching camera angles, but then doesn't expect their child audience to tune into Raw to see moves that effect the head in full glory. They talk about Be a Star, and have Piggy James storylines with Diva talent, and the next thing you see is the bully character on Be a Star "Don't be a bully! It's wrong!" They promote Twitter with stipulations they don't want fans to pick as choices! The fan in me is screaming "Are you serious!?"
This is why wrestling is no longer getting 5s and 6s in the ratings. It has nothing to do with "Blood and Chairshots" but consistent booking. That, my friends, is why WWE and TNA aren't getting the ratings that we saw in the Monday Night Wars, because yes, the Attitude Era had it's stupid moments, but this has literally become comical.
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Shawn Michaels Denies ... · 0 replies · +5 points
Problem is, that whatever works, seems to be shoved to Cena, and then Cena wins, draining any sort of momentum. I don't hate Cena, and amazingly, I don't hate his character, because I'm dying to see him go heel ala Bret Hart or even Rock when they turned on the fans who hated them. (Vince, that's how you turn a face heel without losing their heat, you did it once in 1997, remember Calgary Stampede?) I hate how predictable his feuds are where it's "Big force that has so many wins faces Cena! Can Cena beat him! Yes! Move on to next feud!"
It just makes WWE, a wrestling company I've watched all my life, so much harder to watch when fans like myself, who've watched the Attitude Era of 1997-1999 saw what worked. I get times have changed, and sponsors are different now, but we can't have Cena say "Hey, you people saying Cena sucks, SHUT UP! My fans can cheer anyone they want!" You can tell Cena WANTS to in some of the promos he cuts, but he holds back. It just blows my mind that Vince doesn't try the same thing with Cena where he turns on us, the fans who hate his character! I even turned on RAW one time live, simply because I thought when Bret came in, they'd do a mini angle with Cena where Bret would suggest that. Too logical I guess.
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Top Star Discussed to ... · 0 replies · +4 points
11 years ago @ LordsofPain.net - Top Star Discussed to ... · 0 replies · +2 points
I just don't get Vince's obsession with corny humor. They could have gone a million different ways with it, even with Kennedy's suspension. It just angers me that every time something big does happen in WWE now, it gets smashed to bits within three or four months.