


10 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Will We Be Obedient? · 1 reply · +1 points

Obedience is one of the most underscored themes throughout Scriptures, not because it is not present throughout Scriptures, but because people struggle to make the connection that obedience flows out of love. All around you can hear "God is love," "God is love," "Christ said to love each other," "Love sums the commandments," "God is love" etc. Yet it is amazing how people do not share the same exhortations towards our obedience to God's will. I am not suggesting that God's will is the same for each individual, but I think all too often we avoid the question of obedience. Thank you for your exhortation this morning.

14 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Reconciling the Disparity · 0 replies · +1 points

Perhaps one way to do something is to find the community closest to you with the greatest disparity, extending love and compassion to those persons immediately before you. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I was amazed when I started walking around the areas of my city I had never been before. It might not feel like it is the place with the most "need" but it is the place where you are.

14 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Reconciling the Disparity · 1 reply · +1 points

Lord have mercy.

I'm still a young adult working to discern my life's vocation. God has opened the doors for me to pursue a degree that enables me to make connections with various organizations working full-time to be the hands and feet present in these situations. I pray the doors continue to open. And I continue to pray for the people who find themselves so impoverished they do not have any other options.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Are You an Extroverted... · 1 reply · +1 points

I wonder if it has to do with personality types. As an INTJ, my auxiliary mode is "extroverted thinking" which comes out in my desires to talk with people I'm close to about what I'm thinking about. There are extroverts who display introverted thinking (ENTP, ESTP). I wonder if extroverts of these personality types are introverted listeners.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Are You an Extroverted... · 3 replies · +1 points

Hmmmm, this post strikes me as odd because I am an introvert, but I'm an extroverted listener. Perhaps it is some of my "extroverted thinking" coming to bear.

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - Why Plan B Is Often Yo... · 1 reply · +1 points

The first night I was at boot camp for ROTC one of the cadet's barracks had a sewer back-up. We are talking human waste all over the first floor of the building about 3 inches deep. It was a mess.

The commanding officer of the camp had the rank of Colonel, an O-6. The Colonel basically barred the enlisted folks from helping clean up the mess and recruited the camp's other officers to help him shovel out the dorm. I learned profoundly never to ask anyone to do a task that you would be unwilling to do yourself if you wanted to have credibility as a leader. No one would have blamed the Colonel if he wanted to oversee the work. The fact that he picked up a shovel is one of my most poignant lessons in leadership ever.

It also challenged me to think about what I may be called to do as a leader and to not see myself as somehow being above dealing with sewage of all kinds.

14 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Alone · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad your house still has another warm body :)
My recent post Thinking differently about conventional problems

14 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Alone · 2 replies · +1 points

I'm struggling with this right now as I said good-bye to my cat. I generally spend most of my time alone, outside of time spent at work and at church. My experiences with my local church community suggest that I should learn to adapt to pursuing Christ as one who lives entirely alone. I don't mind alone too terribly much, but it's hard to envision a situation of never coming home to a creature with a pulse again. That's a little hard.

14 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Things I Don't Say Enough · 1 reply · +1 points

I really can't do this by myself.

Thank you.

I remember you in my prayers.

You are not alone.

15 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - The Leadership Strateg... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think it is rather remarkable that most of us think that being famous as we reach the masses amounts to being known. I do think it is important to consider how we can invest properly in the 3-12-70-multitude sense of things. I appreciate the parents who say their 3 are their kids; but I think those of us who are single and serving tend to try to treat the 70 as we should only be treating the 3... or the 12.