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12 years ago @ GFunkified - Great Expectations: Li... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is a wonderful post; I'm one that has always had a dreamy, idealized expectation of things and boy do those expectations come crashing down sometimes. You are so right that with kids, you have to adjust your expectations. Thanks for sharing!

12 years ago @ http://normalchaosfora... - You Never Stop Learnin... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great post; I have experienced many of your points! Being a parent is such an amazing growing and learning experience.

13 years ago @ http://www.hinessightb... - Why I\'m Not Ready for... · 1 reply · +1 points

We started training when V was interested, around 16 months. She can do everything on the potty, both at home and elsewhere and learned that within a week or two of unpressured efforts. We backed off the asking and rushing though, because when she's ready to go all the time on the potty, she'll go. She's gone weeks with a potty obsession, and made it to the can when she was dealing with bouts of stomach issues, so I know she has some control and desire to go. Her interest waxes and wanes, so I know she's not ready for the big girl pants yet. In the meantime, though, I'm really glad we don't have to teach her the skills when she is ready to take the final step and I'm glad we've taken cues from her to know how to proceed. I hate when people judge when kids go, because you can't make a kid go to the bathroom, just like you can't shove food down their throats. You have to make it fun, interesting, and watch the cues of your child to know when they are ready to take steps. Good luck whenever your little one makes the move!

13 years ago @ http://vinobaby.blogsp... - Chasing Skirt · 0 replies · +1 points

cute skirts; and great deals! I love great deals!

13 years ago @ http://www.littlebabyf... - Pour Your Heart Out: C... · 0 replies · +2 points

I agree, AP is often hard to stand up for! I've struggled against the mainstream many a time as a new mom, and bottom line is, you have to learn who you are as a mother. Good for you for knowing that, for staying true to your instincts! It is easy to let judgment make you question yourself or talk yourself out of doing what feels right for you or your l.o.