You still did better than me K - I kind of missed it because I was in the shower ...
It's beautiful, I love light shining through glass.
I read this a while ago, clicked away but it's been on my mind. My relationship with my Mum is difficult (understatement!) and we rarely speak - I carry a huge amount of guilt about despite the fact that it really isn't me. I worry about the time it will be too late, when I'll never be able to ask the questions, have the answers ... The truth is I probably wouldn't get them anyway, it is what it is. I love her but I find it so hard to like her. Big hugs K xx
I'll bet they don't, it's perfect for scooters or roller skates!
It's tough isn't it K? You want to give your child all the options and something that they have a genuine interest in but it must be almost impossible for some parents. I know that I could never have afford for Miss Mac to do this and fortunately for me it wasn't something she choose. I have spent a far lesser amount on taking her to various places to go to art galleries as well as investing in the materials she needs, it's nothing like the amount that horse riding costs but even so it's been hard sometimes. She may achieve a C grade but a C is still a pass (and she could exceed that) but what she will always have is parents who gave her the opportunity for some wonderful experiences and that's priceless.
Oh K, I don't know what to say. I had to give up running when I broke my kneecap (actually snapped it in half and had to have part of it removed). I didn't ever do it as seriously as you though but I missed it. I've also got a few back issues but I do cycle now and I've really surprised myself how much enjoyment I get from it. I do a lot of cycling along the canal which is obviously flat but also very beautiful and being on a bike means I can go much further too. I know it isn't what you want but maybe dust off that bike give it a go, don't keep pushing until you break something that can't be mended. You know that blogger really was a jerk and your consultant really DOES know what he's talking about - don't listen to her words just because they are what you want to hear, do what you need to do to protect your body and to keep it working as well as it possibly can for as long as it can (even if it can't meet the high standards you set) x
Hey lovely, I'm a particularly grumpy cow right now. What you do is so worthwhile and I know you know that despite the difficulties. They do need a bit of a shake up but you will soon be back on top. I have faith in you!
It's tough and often thankless K and it's not fair or reasonable - I'm with Jen, draw that line in the sand, get tough in return. Make them aware of the work and effort that goes into these things and don't let them get away with being so bloody selfish!
Manners cost nothing and mean so much.
I'm not having a very tolerant day today (as you may have gathered ...) but I see how much it means to you and how hard you work and it makes me so cross! x
Miss Mac has been lucky enough to go twice with the school, what an amazing place! I'd love to visit sometime.
Ha ha, you're MUCH braver than me (although I may have posted one or two of the less flattering photos of myself - I can honestly say though that my ability to look totally crap definitely exceeds yours (that's a compliment by the way ;-) x