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12 years ago @ http://chezsven.blogsp... - Got Housing? · 1 reply · +1 points

Home ownership is not the goal in many countries. We were surprised in Italy to find that offspring lived with their parents into their thirties and it was totally expected. We've always been able to buy a house, but none of our three sons have ever been able to afford it, until one of them and his wife, shared the cost of a house with her parents. It is a conundrum not easily solvable.
My recent post Sail Away from It All

12 years ago @ http://chezsven.blogsp... - Sven Celebrates 74 at ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Happy birthday, Sven! And wish I could have been there for some deconstructed Key Lime Pie, my favorite dessert.
Deconstructed seems to be the latest buzz word in cuisine. Taking the ingredients of a familiar recipe and putting them together in a new way. I had something deconstructed while I was in Nova Scotia. Remember it was good, but don't remember what it was.
My recent post Travel Photos: Monet’s Gardens on Tour

12 years ago @ http://chezsven.blogsp... - Welflleet Historical S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love small town history museums. Every article in them has a distinct connection to place. And your saying that Sven was reminded of Sweden reminded ME of a museum on a farm that we visited in northern Sweden. The farmer had put it all together himself, and it was about the logging industry, including a working model of a sawmill as well as lots of tools. You could see it any time by knocking on the farmer's door.
My recent post Discover Paris Celebrities and Gardens

12 years ago @ http://chezsven.blogsp... - Preventing Tick Bites ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Such a good and thorough article. Avon's Skin so Soft is used by some people to keep away mosquitos, but I read an article recently that said it was not very effective. Lyme disease scares me, but since I live in the desert, I don't have to cope with it unless I travel.
My recent post Something Fishy in Alaska

13 years ago @ http://theparticulartr... - My Hotel Room \"Fix-It... · 1 reply · +2 points

Great tips. I am so annoyed by the excess light in hotel rooms at night--never had one where I needed a nightlight! I sleep with a sleep mask, but also cover the alarm/radio with a magazine to shut out the light, so now will take tape to cover the smoke alarm--if I can figure out how to reach it.
I also like to have a magnifying mirror and too many hotels don't have them, so carry a small portable one with a stand of its own. (I've always carried giant safety pins to close the drapes, because they can also do many other jobs. And how about a stretchy line to hang clothes in the bathroom?