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11 years ago @ http://bookonaut.blogs... - Are we critical enough? · 1 reply · +2 points

I think those goodreads reviews with YouTube videos embedded are ludicrous. They are about the reviewer shouting "Look at MEEEEE!" They are not about the book. These reviewers deliberately seek out books they hate so they can pile on shit they think is funny.

Or maybe they hope they'll get a rise out of the author and then kick up an internet stink about badly behaving authors.

As reviewer, I think your task is to give potential readers a feel for what sort of book they're going to get. There is no need for sarcasm. There is no need to find something bad to say even if you can't. I always argue that reviewers should use the full spectrum of available star ratings, but a good reviewer explains the opinion given in the review.

13 years ago @ Bookonaut - Gender Balance Audit -... · 1 reply · +2 points

I read a lot of hard SF, and until female authors start writing that, there is no way in the world that aspect of reading will ever be balanced. I just counted, and to my great surprise, I have read a lot more female authors that I suspected (don't particularly care about gender of the author), because I've read some local authors (mostly fantasy). In SF... not s much balance there. Aren't I lucky C.J. Cherryh is a woman ;-)
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