


6 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Hyscience - Fortunate I am... :: :... · 0 replies · +1 points

My reality:

Your Mum is correct Nick. Heat or food. Obamacare is NOT the answer nor is a single payer system.

Thanks to obamacare, I now have lost my one policy I PAID FOR and there is no replacement that I can afford. It is TRIPLE the cost for worse coverage, much worse. I will default to Medicare and pay much more for meds, everything. So now I will cut my medical care way down as it is food, heat and my family first. We struggle every month and this month and next will be extremely bad. Mortgage, food, heat, and all we have are typical bills, no credit cards, stuff bought on payments, just mortgage, utilities(going way up, thanks Obama), food, and some gasoline for the cars.

Who wants to give a orthopedically trashed, older white dude any type of job? I have submitted 18 apps and resumes in the last week. Now with Obamacare, things are much worse. I have other circumstances that figure in but my healthcare has just gotten torpedoed by the ACA. What options are offered in place of what I had canceled are prohibitively expensive, worse coverage, higher costs, deductibles but hey, I have maternity benefits. This is fubared.
Ya make do as best you can and my family just has to come first, especially my kids. Tough to handle it all on your own.

11 years ago @ Hyscience - Thomas Sowell on the r... · 0 replies · +1 points

The black grievance industry at work, all this is and it is disgusting. That is BGI.

11 years ago @ Hyscience - WaPo-ABCNews Poll: \'M... · 0 replies · +1 points

NO the LIV and Obamabots are really the only ones in love with obamanazi care. No one that I know, and this includes way too many libtards and regressive progressive commies are NOT at all OK with Obamacare and what it means for the fate of the Republic down the road. Many now former Obama fans are disgusted by him, his policies and his crowning achievement of ruining the country via Obamacare. The 'roll out' has been a blackout of epic failures, one after another across state lines.

The tip of the iceberg indeed and Obamacare is simply the Titanic with a gash in the hull that runs from bow to stern.

12 years ago @ In-Fisherman - Attention Anglers! · 0 replies · +6 points

Do you practice catch and release with illegal aliens too?

12 years ago @ Eye On The World - Ramadan 2012 death cou... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is islam, jjhad and sharia law at work and if they cannot kill us they will kill each other and I would not have it any other way!

There is no peace within islam and with islam there can never be peace!

12 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - The Price of European ... · 0 replies · +4 points

You are spot on here. All it takes is a very tiny % of the population to become muslim and poof, there goes the country, down the hellhole to eventual islamic sharia law that looks like it is not. Witness what is happening in Dearbornistan, Michigan. I rest my case. Take a peek at Northern New Jersey as well. Ban any and ALL muslim immigration period.