


26 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Escape to Food - Sambar - Vegetable Sou... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Tigerfish, this so reminds me of going on a weekday down to little India in new york city and all the lovely vegetarian Indian restaurants serve the buffet lunch and they all have a HUGE vat of lovely sambar! I adore soaking it up with some warm chapatis! Thanks so much for sharing this recipe on the hearth and soul hop this week! all the best. Alex@amoderatelife

14 years ago @ http://www.babasfarmli... - Wordless Wednesday · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Deborah! I am now following your blog and particpating in your wordless wednesday! You would so fit in on my hearth and soul recipe hop on tuesday! Lots of real food and traditional lifestyle folks! all the best. Alex@amoderatelife
My recent post Hearth and Soul Hop-Volume 22

14 years ago @ Escape to Food - Steamed Brussel Sprouts · 0 replies · +1 points

Tiger fish, for my entire youth, i hated brussel sprouts because my mother would just boil the heck out of them. It wasnt until my brother gave me a Mark bittman recipe for brussel sprouts with bacon that I fell in love. Now i can even eat them boiled, i think i just had to get over the hump! Thanks for sharing on the hearth and soul hop this week. Alex@amoderatelife

14 years ago @ Extraordinary Life - Lean Cuisine Santa-Fe ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Lisa and welcome to the hearth and soul hop. I am now following your lovely blog and checking out your extraordinary life! :) I really love that you are helping your sister out during hard times like these. My husband was unemployed for two and a half years and the love and support of friends and family are so key to keeping it all together.

I have to admit to eating quite a few santafe rice and beans boxes in my time, but there was never enough in the box! This recipe looks lovely, much healthier and you get so much more for less money. Great deal Lisa and thanks again for sharing it on the hearth and soul hop! All the best to you and here's hoping things get better for your sister and her family. Alex@amoderatelife
My recent post Hearth and Soul Hop-Volume 19

14 years ago @ Escape to Food - Roasted Cauliflower Na... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Tigerfish, I am giggling at the fact that YOU are running out of ingredients to excite and entice you! It CANT be! You are the queen of unique pairings! Get a grip girl~! LOL--this recipe looks amazing. I adore the Indian inspired cauliflower naan pizza. I too am kind of sick of pita bread as a base and will be trying naan very soon! Thanks so much for sharing this on the hearth and soul hop this week. Alex@amoderatelife

14 years ago @ Escape to Food - Daikon Omelette, Fried... · 1 reply · +1 points

Tigerfish! Thank you so much for sharing on the hearth and soul hop this week! I adore daikon but the thought of it with eggs in an omlette is simply beyond my mind! I will certainly have to try this to see how it tastes! You always do that! Pairing flavors and textures to make something new! Very cool! Alex@amoderatelife

14 years ago @ http://riddlelove.com/ - Simple Soaked-Bean Chi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh Katie Kates! I ADORE chilli, like it is simply my favorite winter warm up food of all time! I have made it many times but always thought the soaking of the beans was too difficult or time consuming but your recipe shows how easy it is! Thanks so much for sharing on the hearth and soul hop this week! :) HUGS! Alex@amoderatelife
My recent post Thoughts on Friday From the Middle of the Road!

14 years ago @ Escape to Food - Okra and Eggplant Stew · 0 replies · +1 points

Tigerfish, thanks so much for sharing this recipe on the hearth and soul hop. I love how you convinced yourself to try and like eggplant by combining a few recipes of things you do like. That is inspiring! I also do not care for eggplant often, but once in a while, like in greek melanzanosalata I adore it! Alex@amoderatelife

14 years ago @ http://riddlelove.com/ - A New Recipe: Quick & ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yum yummy katie! Hey, if you put a tiny bit of glazing on, you can eliminate a ton of sugar in the mix. My father, an old doctor told me about this as your tongue hits the sugar coating it gets that sweet taste and it is enough as it instantly liqufies across the tongue, but without it, you chew the snack and it takes a while for your tongue to register the sweetness enough to be satisfied and sense ''sweet" so, I say, go for it! Question, If i were going to make these for my kids breakfast, how many biscuits would you give them to hold them through till lunch? Two? Thanks so much for sharing on the hearth and soul hop. I too am so excited for your big adventure! We totally want pictures! My brother just closed on a cozy little starter home in Massachuesetts today so its a very home and hearthy day! :) Hugs! Alex@amoderatelife
My recent post The Joy of a Meal Shared With Family

14 years ago @ http://riddlelove.com/ - Glazed Cranberry Lemon... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Katie, thanks so much for linking to the hearth n soul hop! Sometimes there is nothing like having a lovely scone with a cup of tea, and these look divine. I love cranberries in anything! :) Alex@amoderatelife
My recent post Thoughts on Friday From the Middle of the Road!