It's like you're living my life. When the other parents give me THAT look at gym class and I shrug, saying "Yeah, this is why we don't have ANY non-padded furniture at our house..." Although I have to admit the little tough-sweet look E's rocking in those pics is that of a future heartbreaker - better watch out mama!
Oh, I ADORE that last picture!! And the cheering himself on? PRICELESS. Made me smile.
Girl - you're my hero for even THINKING about running a half! I can't even imagine running down to the grocery (and it's less than a mile away)! Whether or not you end up doing it (and let me be the first to say that no-one's gonna hold you to some plan or post that doesn't feel right anymore), think how far you've already come!
I've been threatening to take up jogging - and NOT buy a jogging stroller. Reason #4. Not sure that I could rock a tutu with such aplombe though - you go girl :)
FOOTIE PAJAMAS!! BRILLIANT!! We live a few hours south of you, and juuuuuust missed out on any real snow - just enough to cancel night school for one night. Have to say, I got my fair share in Chicago and DON'T miss THAT a bit. The Little Scientist wasn't convinced it was worth getting excited and bundled up for - kept giving me the "are you effing kidding me about this mom?" look.
Oh, that orange sweat suit is the CUTEST. And I LOVE the big wide slide - looks like sooo much fun. Reading the comments, sounds like the rest of the park was meh... but what a fun excursion :)
So well written. I never thought about this so much until kid(s). How do I convince the boy to love and respect a girl for HER and still want a boob job / tummy tuck / blah blah blah... Great post. Great.
Oh, how CUTE are your girls in their dress up clothes... Love it. My sister is almost 6 years younger than me, but we've always been superclose. I credit her easy-going personality for most of that. (Love the blog facelift too. Awesomesauce.)
You know what's funny is when the 2-yo and I travel as a pair, we do FINE in a hotel. We stay up late, co-sleep for night and naps, no worries. Add someone, ANYONE, else to the mix? No bueno. My husband thought I was making the "good traveler" part up until he took the kid on an overnight trip alone and saw the good sleep in action. So. Weird. (The streaking-down-the-hall pic is still one of my all-time faves, btw.)
Oh, SO jealous - what a great time it looks like you guys had!! (And you and your dad? THE CUTEST.)