Charlene Woelk

Charlene Woelk


9 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - The Top 50 Television ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I have only watched a few, as in 5 on that list, some others that I miss though would be: Third Watch, 7th Heaven, Boy Meets World, and Full House

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 30 Things You Have to ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Being physically healed by God, and to feel something moving while its happening, way too cool
being homeless

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Why... · 1 reply · +1 points

That would be amazing to go to a church like that one. People are actually being trained to be sent out.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Why... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is so true, why should we get hung up on whether or not people are regular attenders of a church, what about just being a Christian in our everyday lives and winning hearts for God, by living our lives as best as we can to represent who Jesus is and what He has done for us and how He lives in us.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Why... · 1 reply · +1 points

If someone just attends church Sunday mornings, then that is all it is... something that they do, its boring and they get nothing out of it, that what it felt like when I was younger, it seems more like something that has to be done as part of being a christian not something that you want to do.

When I really wanted to go to church then what I was hearing in the sermons and the fellowship actually meant something. So its not so much about just getting to know people and the community, but its also where your heart lies. Do you really want to be there?

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Why... · 3 replies · +1 points

I am still attending the church that I grew up in and my mom also grew up going to the same church. When I moved to another city for university for 2 years, I found a church with the same affiliation and that I really liked, I never got to go as often as I wanted to because school and work would get in the way, and when I did go I felt like an outsider, even though this new church was about a tenth of the size of the church I grew up attending.

But it made me realize what it felt like to be the new person in a church, so when I decided to move back home I tried to make more of an effort in including new people instead of just staying in my clique.

There were also time when I couldn't attend church because of my work schedule, I would work night shifts that would be starting at the same time or part way though the Saturday night service, and then I would be too tired to attend the Sunday morning service.

I switched jobs so that I would have a more consistent work schedule, but then it was straight nights, and a lot of the time I felt too tired to go to church or I would go Sunday morning after a night shift, but I never got as much out of it when I was tired as I did when I really wanted to be there.

Now I work as the janitor during the Saturday night service, and I'm at the church but I don't get to really listen to the sermon, so I'm there but not really.

The things that I like the most are Bible studies outside of church, even if they were/are still held at the church that I regularly attend. it adds to the community and I have gotten to know lots of new people through our church hosting Alpha or other groups that I'm evolved with. Our church also has leadership classes and I have meet lots of people that I probably wouldn't have meet.

Having the other classes, small groups, Alpha or Bible studies, whether they are being held at the church or just have members of the church meeting in someone's house has really built a stronger community.

I'm also involved in child care for some of the small groups at the church and that has opened up a different age group for me to be involved with.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 7 Ways to Better Ensur... · 0 replies · +1 points

I read about 99% of my emails on my phone, so if its going to take to long to read while standing in line or on a break, i delete it, and go on to the next one. But it also depends on who it is from... family, I'll normally leave it and read it later when I'm at home.

But I also do the same thing with long blog posts, if its too long and hasn't caught my interest within the first few lines or even the title before I click on it in my Google reader account than I will ignore it completely.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - We Are All Different..... · 0 replies · +1 points

1. sweet
2. dark chocolate, than milk chocolate, (white chocolate isn't chocolate cause its white)
3. classical, Celtic, instrumental, contemporary, christian rap (TOBY MAC!!!)
4. anything with a lot of electric or annoying bass - heavy metal, rap when I can't understand the words or its just not appropriate, and jazz
5. watch the movie

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Writing a Life Plan, P... · 1 reply · +1 points

I'm not sure what you mean by the emotional category. I never thought about relationships as a new years resolution, but I will try to include that in mine now.

I was using the same idea for goals that I did last year, going by that I have 23 goals set for this year, but if I were to generalize them they would be:
1. get promoted at work
2. pay down my debts and start a savings
3. sing in my churches Easter production, finishing reading the Bible (I choose to take 2 years to go through it), and write in my journal / write more poetry
4. work on my blanket (it is a continual growing blanket), work more with my horses, and this is the personal category so I have a few other sowing projects listed
5. get in shape and loose wight