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12 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 7 Things To Do While Y... · 1 reply · +1 points

Heal…if needed – Many times the silent periods in my walk with God come after difficult periods. At times, I’ve learned, I can’t hear God because my emotions are clouded with the pain of my past. In those days, I try to heal my emotions so I can think clearly, discern His voice, and prepare for His next assignment.

and am in total this article

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Church Growth: When Si... · 1 reply · +1 points

awesome analogy, you put in my words exactly...
We are facing a situation here on my home church in the worship team( in Kenya that's Africa by the way)... our leaders don't want to leave room for the spirit of God to move,hence there's a bit of pushing and hustling being done... its hurting the group too..
I just wish we could experience a move of God like you guys in Brooklyn.
The church is about God and His works, if we become too business-like we loose His presence in the process..
that's my take ..what do you think Guys?