


182 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Understanding and Deal... · 1 reply · +2 points

See there's the difference between you and I... You could actually score a date in High School. Cougar on, my friend :-)

8 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Understanding and Deal... · 3 replies · +2 points

How timely. Yesterday I was discussing how in High School the queen bee actually held a vote to have me kicked out of the group for choosing Gothic/British indie/electronica over mod/ska. Fortunately the tribe over rode the Queen Bee on that occasion. The Queen Bee went on to develop drug issues and I'm like "suck it biaatch". (Which is not real mature for a 46 year old mother of two).
Anyhow - How could anyone pick on Lyanna Mormont - among the coolest of kick arse characters.

8 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Mingling with Shingles · 1 reply · +2 points

I got the chicken pox immediately after completing the HSC in 1988. I dont need to tell you how much that sucked. A dose of the shingles would be way unfair given that trauma. Meanwhile Dadabs had it about 10 years ago - precocious for a (then) 35 year old. I have never seen him so cranky.
I sincerely hope the ointment does its job ASAP.
PS: Steptoe and Son - that's way old!

8 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Fromage to all of You! · 1 reply · +2 points

Surely Scotto's French extends to 'menage a trois'.

8 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Pinky and the Mountain... · 1 reply · +2 points

Oh my! All that beefcake in your back yard!

9 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - My Escape to the Country · 1 reply · +3 points

You can ice skate on your pool!

9 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Australian Movies Rock. · 1 reply · +2 points

I know - I am still reeling from the onslaught of sadistic violence that is GoT and the exceeding hawt and hunky Vikings. (Rollo nearly always appears shirtless and smeared in the blood of the Saxons). Have moved on to Peaky Blinders and Mr Robot which are comparatively less violent but still no Sunday school picnic. My only televisual relief is found in HBO comedy Silicon Valley which is basically a documentary about my husband's life (not really). But I digress ........... (waiting for Pinky to kick the screen in).
Some of the local school parents worked on Last Cab to Darwin - you have to put up with 'industry' people when you live in Sydney's east.
My recent post School Concerts – the Agony & the Ecstasy (but mostly the agony)

9 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Grow Some Ovaries! · 1 reply · +2 points

I'm feeling quite ambivalent about these events. I feel the political incidents are symptomatic of an across the board culture of disrespect - but few people complain when these men bad mouth each other. The cricketer trying to crack onto the female journalist mid TV interview - that crossed the line.
My recent post School Concerts – the Agony & the Ecstasy (but mostly the agony)

9 years ago @ http://www.pinkypoinke... - Thrame of Gonads · 1 reply · +2 points

You've got nothing - I do my grocery shopping at the Gardens of the East.
My recent post School Concerts – the Agony & the Ecstasy (but mostly the agony)