Well that's a big part of unlocking sorted. All we now is for Apple to see that having Cydia on iDevices would make them more money, the ability to customize peoples devices. Even if the DevTeam and Apple worked together, as long as they get rid of pirated apps it will be good or what they could do in the Apple store is have like a trial for an app, say pay 50 cents to try out an app for a day <---- just an example.</i>
I am sure it will still be open for donation next month ;).
If I was you I would stay where you are, the iPhone 3G doesn't cope very well with iOS 4.x.x, it's really slow.
Remove your comment, displaying the whole serial number is a bad idea and you never know what could happen to your device.
Ultrasn0w does not support that baseband, google for sim unlock for your baseband.
PwnageTool doesn't need to know your current firmware. When you put iOS 4.3.3 into PT when it asks you to browse for the firmware it will then make a CFW for you to restore to in iTunes, make sure you hit option and restore then select the CFW you made with PT, once restored you will be on 4.3.3 but have your current baseband that you have now. Then go to Cydia and go to ultrasn0w and install and reboot. Best way to go if your not sure what you're doing in PwnageTool is to go to iClarified (google it) then go to Tutorials down the bottom, the icon is like a note pad with a pen and pencil, hit that then go to iPhone - Jailbreak and then find How to Jailbreak Your iPhone 3GS Using PwnageTool (Mac) [4.3.3]
Yes, just remember you will lose GPS with the iPad BB.
When/ if they can make a downgrade for that baseband. There was plenty of warnings about losing GPS, obviously you didn't read the last post about it.