Rahul Raj
51 comments posted · 16 followers · following 1
11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Terror has no religion... · 0 replies · +4 points
“Terrorism cannot be born of religion. Terrorism is the product of corrupt minds, hardened hearts, and arrogant egos, and corruption, destruction, and arrogance are unknown to the heart attached to the divine. Islam is a religion of tolerance and peaceful coexistence with all of humanity both as individuals and communities. Islam views people as honored creatures without regard for their religion, race, or color. “
If you ask any Islamic cleric or the politically correct leader about linking Islam with terrorism, their most probable answer would be, that terror has no religion or color. India’s External Affairs Minister, Mr. Salman Khurshid when asked the same question few months back, he answered:
“Terror does not have religion. We have said this very clearly. And religion should not be associated with color. This we have said very clearly. It is terror that we have to fight. Terror directed against India that we are fighting.”
Ask this question to any of the above mentioned people, the answer would be absolute same. But the question is, are they factually correct? Does Terrorism really has no connection with any particular religion? Has terrorism no color? In this article I will try to answer these questions using evidences, and teachings from canonical scripture of Islam and by the facts provided by the terrorists (Jihadis) themselves.
Read complete: http://mostintolerantreligion.com/2013/09/22/terrorism-has-a-religion-and-that-is-islam/
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Islam a Religion of Pe... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Give Refugee Status to... · 1 reply · +2 points
I apologize for delay in reply. Yes, BJP too has Muslims netaas, but it would be safe to say that ideologies matter. What makes them different from other communal Muslim netaas is the very ideology of BJP and Sangh Parivaar, in my opinion. I may have supported some posts or critics like Ali Sina and Geert Wilders, who believe all Muslims to be fanatics and terrorists, but there are exception. This exception is not only in BJP netaas, but you will also find exceptional Muslims in other fields too, but this also does not mean that all Muslim Netaas of BJP are exception, here I am talking of major ones, like Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi, Shahnawaz Hussain. Read this:- http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/politics/a-bj...
Regarding Sacrificing our lives for mother Land I would say, that in today's world its practically impossible to come from nowhere and sacrifice your life, I ask you how it will help. What plans do you have for sacrificing your life. Mohammad Ashfaqulla Khan and Ram Prasad Bismil were freedom fighters, but we are not fighting from external enemy, that we need weapons to combat them. We have internal enemy, we are fighting with our own people. All we need to do is to change minds of people regarding what and whom they choose as their candidate. Even I don't claim that BJP is all good, but in my views it is better than other possible options.
Regarding the link which you posted in last I would say, that people believe in different things. There is nothing wrong for a Muslim man to believe that GITA and Koran are revealed by the same God. There is nothing wrong even if a Hindu believes the same. But fact remains fact, and fact is I don't know about Gita, but Koran is not a book revealed by any God.
But yes, such people can be beneficial for India in many ways. They can play a major role in Hindu-Muslim harmony, which will always be good for India. Even Rss agrees with Hanif, as your link says, "I loved my meeting with the RSS chief. He said I am the kind of Muslim they want India to have,” said Hanif."
I have no answer on how can India reply China for now.
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Give Refugee Status to... · 3 replies · +2 points
Brother BJP can make forward Modi name as PM, and this topic is in debate, many people inside BJP even have strong desire to see Modiji as PM. If he is not made the candidate for PM, still BJP has lots of good, honest, corruption free leaders to take that place. What now all Indians should desire is to get rid of Congress and its allies.
It seems that it is a matter of do or die, but practically we can't do anything, except changing the whole government and system. We need to be strong, united among us. As you pointed our that they consider India as their enemy, and that is true. India need to reply back the attacks of Pakistan and other terrorists. Terrorists desire to capture Kashmir, and Indian government is silent on such crucial and important issue. If you ask me, I only think of changing the government, and bring such a government which has enough courage to fight back Jihadis and reply even China. We need real Men in our government not impotent puppets dancing in tunes of a foreigner...
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Give Refugee Status to... · 5 replies · +1 points
I agree with you that he can come in the shelter of BJP and RSS, but you know what happened to Sir Salman Rushdie, even Taslima Nasreen was asked to leave India under the pressure of Islamic Radicals. So it wouldn't be safe at all for him to come to India. Its better for him that he wins his fight with Spanish authorities or move to Canada, where people like Great Ali Sina can live happily.
No doubt, if today our PM would have been Shree Narendra Modi, then I myself would have invited him to my house, or even other friends of mine, including you would have came forward to help him. This is the most unfortunate part. Lets wait for 2014, its not too far.
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Is the Qur’an copied... · 1 reply · +2 points
Its very true what you said, about - + = - , but can you specify what you are referring as - and what as +?
12 years ago @ The False Prophet - Muhammad:- The Lord of... · 0 replies · +1 points
As you said Sir, "Abbas said: “Allah has never created or made or formed any soul that is dearer to him than Muhammad . I never heard that Allah swore by the life of anyone else. "
This proves that how much Muhammad loved himself, and also proves that he was a Narcissist. In some other place Muhammad claimed that he was created much before Adam was created, and Muhammad made his Allah write his name through his divine pen "Muhammad Rasulallah" for some 70,000 years. This is height of Narcissism and proof too that Muhammad created Allah and not the other way round. [Source:- http://nurmuhammad.com/NurNabi/creationlightofmuh...
12 years ago @ FaithFreedom.org - Qur'anic Surat Alfeel:... · 0 replies · +1 points
12 years ago @ FaithFreedom.org - Can a Muslim take Non-... · 0 replies · +2 points
Only thing I would like to inform you is that, this article is quoted from Islamic site, which is mentioned in article as [Source]. So, please vist the link, and keep copy-pasting there to refute their claims.,.
12 years ago @ FaithFreedom.org - Is Quran copied from B... · 0 replies · +5 points
Why Muslims always presume that Critics of Islam fear them? You said, "don't escape from the truth ." I want to know what made you think we are escaping from truth. I really want to inform you that you are the most pathetic Muslim I have ever met. This is not because you are Muslim or you are boring. This is because you are too dumb even to understand simple things.
Why not you stop copy-pasting arguments from Islamic site, when they are thoroughly rebutted and informed to you by 99% visitor of this site. Now I wanted you to debate me on Mails because, I know you have habit of not reading the replies from critics, because it may damage your faith.
Do you even know, what debate is. I have already pointed out in my last comment, how you reply us. You just see the TITLE of the article, and Google it to find, Islamic site's rebuttal on that, and then copy paste it here.
I hope this is too much to make a Normal Human being understand of his retardnes.