


25 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Careless · 6 replies · +1 points

"I could care less" is a well established form of sarcastic dismissal that is completely understood by everybody except for the kind of self-styled language"experts" who still carry on about splitting infinitives or ending sentences with prepositions. It's disappointing to see this kind of meaningless pedantry on such a generally good blog.

8 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - RIP basketball great K... · 0 replies · +1 points

The obituaries in the Times are one of the reasons I still subscribe. You learn so much about great people you were hardly aware of. It almost makes up for the wretched quality of the Op-Ed page

8 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - No, not "terrorism" · 0 replies · +1 points

In law, the term " terrorism" has been used in criminal law for at least a century. Laws against "uttering terroristic threats" have been around for a very long time. I recently served of a Grand Jury where we heard more than one case where someone was accused of issuing terroristic threats, and none of these cases had anything to do with what is commonly thought of as "terrorism."

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - Poll: Jews Sour on Oba... · 0 replies · +1 points

It would be a betrayal of our long friendship with Israel if the next president were to write a blank check for an unstable, treacherous narcissist like Bibi Netanyahu. That would not be in the best interest of either country.

9 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - Hey Weekly Standard: C... · 0 replies · +5 points

If you intend to ask the Weekly Standard to correct every piece of dishonest,, inaccurate bullshit they print, you have a job for the rest of your life

9 years ago @ The Reality-Based Comm... - No, not "traitors" · 0 replies · +7 points

the terms "treason" and "traitor" have been tossed around with such abandon over the last few years that most people seem to have forgotten that these words have precise, legal meanings. In any case, when describing Senate Republicans, there is no need to look for fancier words when the time honored expression "assholes" is almost always appropriate

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - American Jews Are Angr... · 0 replies · +2 points

Are we supporting Bibi by citing the Nazis now? Appropriate, I suppose

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - American Jews Are Angr... · 10 replies · +6 points

If you're going to resort to ancient anecdotes instead of rational argument, at least get your stories straight. Dorothy Parker (Rothschild) died in 1967, a year before Nixon was elected.

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - American Jews Are Angr... · 0 replies · +6 points

That's actually pretty stupid. Obama was elected President of the United States, Bibi has anointed himself king of the Jews. Nobody except a minority of the Israeli electorate ever voted for hiim

9 years ago @ Jewish Daily Forward - American Jews Are Angr... · 0 replies · +2 points

I fully expect Bibi to be made a bishop at least. He has all the qualifications: He loves the fundamentalists and despises the Jews