


12 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Youth Ministry Convers... - Youth ministry and the... · 1 reply · +1 points

It cracks me up that you can't say Super Bowl anymore. Super Bowl
Super Bowl
Super Bowl
Super Bowl
Super Bowl
Super Bowl

13 years ago @ Bubbles Are Everywhere - Life Is Heavy · 1 reply · +1 points

Great spending time with you this morning Alon. It feels like we go through seasons of heaviness and seasons where float along effortlessly. Lemme know how the middle school thing goes. I'm totally freaked out and its a year away!

13 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - URGENT: Vote for me in... · 2 replies · +1 points

I voted. But only because everyone you know asked me to vote. So I created 1200 YouTube accounts last night. And voted for you every time. Enjoy!

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Who leads the church: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very well put, Mark. Seems like Mr. Noble is firmly planted on one side of an age-old church polity question.

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Who leads the church: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ha. Funny and true. He's the final authority until he learns he isn't the final authority.

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Who leads the church: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Will- excellent point. Seems like when Paul & Barnabas got into a scuffle they took it back to Jerusalem. (Acts 15)

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Who leads the church: ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Before I say anything, I just want to acknowledge how brave you are to talk about Perry. Last time I commented on a post about him his staff called me names. I hope that's not the case for you.

In watching the video, here are my critiques of what he is saying: (not attacks, I'm sure Perry is a great guy. I just live in a place where we don't shag in public so I don't get his style.)

1. He never answered the question. He talked around the issue and offered an opinion without consulting the Bible. So, clearly he answered the question purely from a Newspring perspective and not a theological perspective. There's an important distinction. You're video broadens it past what he originally intended so it's an interesting discussion, but to call this Perry's opinion for the church universal may be putting words in his mouth. (See, I defended Perry!)
2. If you'll remember, his church had an accusation last year that his staff abused a community member, James Duncan. ( While there are likely good things going on and there are clearly two sides to every story... his staff (allegedly) behaved unprofessionally and showed why they need a board to oversee the staff's actions. Those actions don't devalue the tremendous good they have done in the community... just points to the need for non-staff oversight.
3. While I get the argument that professional ministry people know ministry stuff better than a bunch of businessmen... a church of Newspring's caliber could easily have all sorts of professional ministry people act as elders. Surely, in their community there are professors of theology, retired ministers, noteable Christian leaders, and the others who could add Godly counsel. The difference between being a pilot flying a plane and being a pastor leading a church is that the people of the church are called by Jesus to be the church while the leaders of the church are called to be the teacher, encouragers, etc.

All that to say, with a grin, I get what Perry is saying. And even my own church is governed locally by a staff who then reports to a Presbytery... I just wish Mr. Noble had used the Bible as his authority.

14 years ago @ Ministry Best Practices - Don\'t Monkey Around W... · 0 replies · +1 points

You have been bit. I've used MC since 2007... their services just get better. ALL of my email campaigns are via the chimp. You forgot to mention, ridiculously good customer service.

14 years ago @ Life in Student Ministry - Do we really need more... · 0 replies · +1 points

I tend to agree with this sentiment. We live in an individualistic culture... and one resource does not fit all. But a bunch of resources may just give you the idea you need.

14 years ago @ Shaun in the City - Can you go to Haiti wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love this Shaun. I hope people take you up on it. I'll be in PaP the same time with another organization. Thanks for loving the Haitian church!