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14 years ago @ - What Harper’s thinking · 6 replies · +6 points

What's funny in all of this coalition talk is the assumption that every Liberal would move to the 'coalition of the left'.

Newsflash kids - a good chunk of the Liberal support comes from centrists. Fiscal conservatives who are socially liberal. And if they look at the track record of the last few years of Tory government (the real track record, as opposed to the fairy-tale Harper=eeeeevil track record most of the deluded on this board would try to talk about) they'll see that while the country has moved right towards the Tories, the Tories have move towards the centre.

You're going to see a bunch of those Blue Grits (and they're out there, I know a few) saying "Well, I'm not a fan of Harper, but letting the NDP have any power over taxation scares me a hell of a lot more".

Many of us fiscally conservative, socially liberal Tories are looking forward to it.