Great week! Your consistency has paid off big time. Check you out in your single digit skinny jeans!
Your excitement is contagious! Good luck - I am pretty thrilled for you.
I am glad you were chosen for the Omron campaign. I know you are going to do well with the 5K at the end of the month.
I am definitely excited to see how you do with the ballet DVD. I always look for lengthening, grace stuff since I can power through almost anything. Pilates and Barre are on my mind as I come off this pregnancy, etc. Anyway you are rocking it!! You are definitely on to 500 miles and watching those food portions is major. Have a great week - see ya at the virtual 5K this weekend.
Yowzers! That reality check hit with a 2x4. Glad you are going to slam it back in the face with some movement ASAP.
Cherry Pie and either a tagine or immersion blender.
Good luck with the childcare situation. Last year I was lucky enough to go to a crossfit gym that let me take my kiddo along to chill in his stroller then come along for the runs. I am fortunate in that I also have family nearby that will watch my ONE kid so I can go workout too. You are in a groovy spot of the world - are there any co-op situations with other parents you can join?
I like wearing dresses. They flatter my form and don't always have to be extremely dolled-up affairs. They also allow me to deviate from just being a mom and indulging my appearance when I am out with my little one.
Stupid funk. Kick it to the curb. Glad to see you are doing that in your most recent post.
Glad your weren't derailed for long. At Fitbloggin I strained my calf about 1/2 way into the 5k (dehydration from travel and lack of sleep) and then I aggravated it a week later with a 10k. I have had to take a step back for it to heal but adaptively managing to still have fun and play this summer. I wish for you to have a joyous summer of play too. And I'm looking forward to shouting birthday wishes to you tomorrow.