44 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - Labour councillor defe... · 0 replies · +2 points
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP now 2% behind the... · 0 replies · +2 points
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: A Party For The ... · 0 replies · 0 points
I'd say it was entirely reversible, all the way back.
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: Friend or Foe of... · 0 replies · 0 points
Heidi Klum is a blonde haired blue eyed German, a German to be sure, or European. Now, she mated with Seal, an African to be sure (yes, I know he has a British Passport), it is obvious from their children how Europe will look if we carry on along this stupid idea of letting in non European peoples.
This trend can never be undone and it will change the look of people and the way they behave, Negroes are different from Caucasians, as well as Asians, there no doubt of it, look at the world. It's not an issue of hate, it's one were we recognise that you belong where you are and I where I am or everything will be the same and the complete destruction of Culture takes place.
The English countryside will never be English with 50% Negroes and Asians in it, never, so why 10% it will only grow and thus we have people lying to themselves.
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: Friend or Foe of... · 0 replies · 0 points
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: Friend or Foe of... · 0 replies · +2 points
Let's embrace freedom of speech and let people who are easily hurt get hurt and grow up.
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: Friend or Foe of... · 0 replies · 0 points
A strand of UKIP thinking, behind the scenes, is now turning to Culturalism to solve the immigrant crisis and while you might sleep soundly paying your BBC license and happy that everybody who is here now can stay I can tell you it will not end that way.
Britain, or "British" is something made up of four elements: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Island. Anything else is not British or Britain. If Africans are for example Welsh then Wales is not Welsh and ceases to exist.
Thus the issue (read: crisis) we have today of what it means to be "British".
I know the official party line, but not to be left behind as events unfold I highly advise you to read up on Culturalism. It's not about hate, it's about understanding there is a difference between people and with that recognition you'll find the hate melts away. However, a Negro will never be English, or English, as it's been for thousands of years, will mean nothing.
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP: Friend or Foe of... · 2 replies · -2 points
UKIP don't, like most, care about minorities, in fact that sect is positively viewed as Socialist by definition: minorities leading the majority, so forget about rolling out the black carpet, if you will.
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - Marta Andreasen and Ri... · 0 replies · +6 points
11 years ago @ Bloggers4UKIP - UKIP councillors don\'... · 0 replies · 0 points