


4 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Dissonance by Erica O'... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh my goodness. Alternative realities and they are also confusing? That's a huge no-no for me - both scenarios... I have trouble with dreams and one other dimension :S I have no shame in admitting that I'm a really simple person, and I have simple needs. If someone is moving from one dimension to another, I don't mind if its *poof* I'm in the next one.

10 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Dreamfire by Kit Allow... · 1 reply · +1 points

A really interesting concept. A sidenote, though - that blurb is pretty stock standard. How often do you see this? So and so isn't normal. She should be plaiting hair and raising the hem of your uniform to attract boys, but...
Only mentioning it as I'm wondering how important a blurb is to you. Maybe I'm doing my own research..but you are in the know :)

My recent post Writing to desensitised readers: when nothing can shock us

10 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Red Queen by Victoria ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I have ordered this from the library as it was the first book I've seen for a long time that has been released with such hype. And her first book, too! I think I would be asking the same questions as you: I'd be curious about the world and how it came to be. I get so cofused. Writers are told not to stick to tropes and cliches - don't write to trends - but this is where the hysteria is created. *shrug*. I guess if you didn't find it boring, you may have been more forgiving of those elements and the plot holes? That's usually how I work :)
My recent post Rebuilding myself as a writer: I’ve been thinking. And yes, it hurt a lot.

10 years ago @ http://christysbookadd... - Sunday Showdown (11) · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Christie. Found your blog on Goodreads - Paranormal Addicts and Newbies :) Love you to come and say hello!