Lisa W. Rosenberg

Lisa W. Rosenberg


14 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ - This is a call · 1 reply · 0 points

Probably a silly question: is this call opened to unpublished manuscripts?

11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Slut of the Month: Rit... · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks for this great post. I've always loved Rita Moreno, from the King and I to Electric Company and of course West Side Story. I've read a bit about how she found a way to use being "ethnic" to her advantage, but I didn't know much about her history. (Or that she's attempted suicide.) It is heartening to read how the role of Anita was her salvation.
My recent post The House Fire Chronicles: The Things I Wore

11 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Welcome to Cat Disneyland · 1 reply · +2 points

I love Stinky, especially the photograph in the box! My cat was a big girl too, though I always judged myself more than I judged her. (She didn't have to put on a leotard every day like I did.) Back when I did suffer from eating disorders, I wish someone had taught me to extend the acceptance I had for my cat to myself.
Self acceptance, though elusive for many of us is the key, as you say. I hope your injuries get better soon, not so you can be XX size, but so you can feel good. (I had a neuroma in my left foot the year I stopped dancing. OUCH!)
My recent post Writer of Color, White YA Protagonist: Where Weightism cuts deeper than Racism

12 years ago @ Life Your Way! - Mother N Needs Midol! · 1 reply · +1 points

This is hilarious, laughed MUCH! Hope the aches go away, Advil or no. :)
My recent post Raising Scout: Why a Little Old-Time Danger is Good for Kids

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Be Your Own FaceBook F... · 1 reply · +2 points

There is a lot here that is helpful, Beverly. Unfortunately, all of a sudden, my fanpage stopped accepting new content (it seems) and every post from my (wordpress) blog automatically goes to my wall. On "connect to fb" you have a choice, share to wall or share to fanpage. I have selected fanpage, but it ignores me. Frustrating, but I'm leaving it alone, waiting until my cool, 20something friend can come fix it.

I have sort of given up on my fanpage since they changed the layout. It used to be more logical and I felt I had more control. I will try to use your (very thorough) explanation though.
My recent post Spirit of 1976, A July 4th Memory

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - When I'm Stuck, I... · 0 replies · +2 points

Stuck or not, you've been busy, Beverly! Lots of intriguing books there, especially Aquila Robinson--seven years old? Seven??
Amazing. I liked writing stories at that age, but mostly they were little captions under my drawings. No way could I have worked out an actual plot.

Also, good luck with your new novel. Very exciting. Can't wait to hear more about it.

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Awards · 1 reply · +2 points

Oops! Hi Beverly. I nominated you for a Sunshine Award before I read this! You are right about the work and the rules. I won't be offended if you don't put it up, if you're not offended that I nominated you. Love your blog, though. Not really sure how the awards work or if I did it right anyway! :)
My recent post Sunshine Award Nomination!

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - My Brand Is Not The Do... · 1 reply · +3 points

Great post, amazing phjotographs! A post like this one would definitely make me more, not less, interested in buying a book!
My recent post Blog Vs. Book

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Egypt to Nigeria to Ne... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes, I'm adding Kelly's book to my list. Just joined her site too!
My recent post Blog Vs. Book

12 years ago @ http://writinginflow.b... - Egypt to Nigeria to Ne... · 2 replies · +2 points

Great recommendations Beverly. You have inspired me to MAKE a list, rather than just sneaking by with what my book group tells me to read! I'm starting to write YA, so looking for more YA to read (halfway done with 3rd Hunger Games.) I've got a recommendation--my friend just lent me The Possibility of You by Pamela Redmond (who lives in my town!) Multi-time periods, mothers, daughters, pregnancy and adoption. Polio, money, a dab of racial ambiguity. Loved it!
My recent post Blog Vs. Book