Lisa @ Lost in Lit

Lisa @ Lost in Lit


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8 years ago @ http://readingismybrea... - TWO QUICK REVIEWS: ADD... · 1 reply · +1 points

I remember you telling me Karina Halle's horror stuff is pretty amazing... I still need to check it out. I really love her romance books. I also still need to finish Harry Potter. :( (I only made it through book 5 years ago and I planned on rereading and finishing BEFORE this one came out, but I FAILED!) Glad you enjoyed these overall, despite not being blown away by them.

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Chatterbox: Let's Agre... · 1 reply · +1 points

Okay, this seriously breaks my heart. First of all, Jeann is one of the sweetest people ever, so I hate to think someone was mean to her. Though I wasn't involved in this and had no knowledge of it (I've been avoiding Twitter lately because DRAMA!!) I kind of wish I had known because I doubt I would have been able to keep my big mouth closed when it comes to something like this. Secondly, this is like my number one biggest pet peeve. I absolutely DESPISE when people are so blatantly mean to each other for NO REASON! As you said, everyone is different. People are allowed to have their opinions. And no one should ever be shamed for their opinion, whether you agree or 100% disagree. This just absolutely breaks my heart and makes me want to stay away from Twitter even more. I know it's not only on Twitter, but I find it's there quite often, and I just can't take all the hatred in this community lately. People need to grow up, stop judging others' actions, and spend more time focusing on your own unacceptable actions, thoughts, and decisions, rather than focusing on what others think/say/feel. This is just too much.

Thank you for writing this!! I love seeing how you guys all stick together. Jeann is lucky to have you. Friends make everything better, even when it feels like life is being completely unfair. Spread the love!! <3
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8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Dreamology by Lucy Kea... · 1 reply · +1 points

Aila, I'm so happy to see how much you loved this one!!! It's very high on my must-read list, so I'm hoping to get to it ASAP. It sounds so good, I'm so excited for it!! Yay for no slut shaming and unnecessary school drama!! :)
My recent post Let’s Chat: What You Always Wanted by Kristin Rae

8 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Indulgence Insider #49... · 1 reply · +1 points

Wow!! So much awesome going on right here!!!!! Glad you had a blast, and received so many AMAZING books!! Time to go watch your vlog!! (You know how I love those!!) <3
My recent post WoW: The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily + Think Twice

9 years ago @ Bookwyrming Thoughts - Fangirl Friday: Captai... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm so in love with the new Throne of Glass title!! It's perfect!! I've only read ToG myself, but my co-blogger and I plan to buddy read the rest asap. Hopefully one a month or so until we're caught up. It's definitely a fantastic series (at least the first book is pretty darn epic!) so I would highly suggest you read it. You know, if you like that kind of thing. :)
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9 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Saint Anything by Sara... · 1 reply · +1 points

I really adored this one myself. The romance starting as friendship was perfect. And I loved how Sydney grew so much throughout the book. So happy you enjoyed it too!! :)
My recent post Let’s Chat: Titans by Victoria Scott

9 years ago @ http://readingismybrea... - DO YOU EVER DELETE BOO... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yes, yes, and YES!!!! If I'm not liking a series, I never even add the sequels. Such as Red Queen... I DNF'd it, so you will not find the sequel on me TBR. The only exception to this would be if I won a copy or have it signed or something... then I add it to that shelf in my list, and therefore it would automatically add to my TBR. I keep track of my winnings and signed copies through Goodreads, so I suppose this is unavoidable. I don't usually delete books based on negative reviews... unless I see something that will cause me to KNOW that the book isn't for me. If I'm a bit concerned, I add it to my "maybe" shelf. Then I know to really think about it before grabbing a copy. Such a great post, sweets! I love it!
My recent post Book Lover Wish + Giveaway! Featuring The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury

9 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Lady Helen and the Dar... · 1 reply · +1 points

I LOVE the discussion review, ladies!! Very well done!! &hearts; I'm definitely intrigued by this book now. You've successful pulled me in and now I NEED to know all about it! :)
My recent post Book Lover Wish + Giveaway! Featuring The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury

9 years ago @ http://readingismybrea... - REVIEW: 5 REASONS THAT... · 1 reply · +1 points

Although I didn't love this as much as you did, I can definitely see where you're coming from. I'm so happy to see how awesome you felt the story was. I have to agree with the amazing friendship, and the chemistry was pretty up there as well!! Great review, love!
My recent post Lisa’s Weekly Recap ~ 1.30.16

9 years ago @ http://readingismybrea... - TWO QUICK REVIEWS: TIM... · 1 reply · +1 points

Awww, I'm so sorry you ended up DNF'ing these, but I TOTALLY understand. I'm a DNF'er myself. If you're not feeling it or enjoying it, put it to the side. TOO MANY BOOKS!! I have The Girl From Everywhere and I planned to read it this week... hoping for the best! I struggle with time travel books myself... total hit or miss with me. Thanks so much for the reviews! :)
My recent post Lisa’s Weekly Recap ~ 1.30.16