


107 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Sunday Slowdown: Shelf... · 1 reply · +1 points

Why would I want to keep books from taking over my life? My recent post showing all my bookshelves reveals that it's already happened.

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - A(n Otherwise Unmemora... · 1 reply · +1 points

This is fun! I like the glimpse into the glamorous west coast life. (!)
My recent post A Day In the Life

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - The Sunday Slowdown, S... · 1 reply · +1 points

Happy blog anniversary! 8 years is amazing.
Something that wouldn't have happened to me without book blogging is occasionally reading the way I think someone else would. Sometimes I'm reading about S. California and I stop and think "this must be what it's like for Florinda" or I think about what your reaction might be to something I've read.
My recent post Lucky Alan and Other Stories

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Paul\'s PSA of the Day... · 1 reply · +1 points

Good luck to you and Paul. As we shiver, I will look forward to winter eventually being over. We don't see the sun much in Ohio, anyway. Last year there was only one weekend day when it didn't rain and the temps got above 75 so we could go swimming. Now I can see a silver lining in that, I guess.
My recent post The Just City

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Blog Talk: Troubles an... · 1 reply · +1 points

Ha, I read this and thought that if one sticks around long enough, eventually fashions come around to what one likes. As you know, I like the personal approach. Ironically, I've taken it less as my kids have gone to college, because their stories are so much more their own. I used to always ask their permission if I said something about them, and occasionally still do, but mostly I'm trying to make more of my own stories worth telling.
My recent post The Lobster Kings

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Sunday Salon: A Christ... · 1 reply · +1 points

ooh! Hope you're going to review them, if they're any good at all.

9 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Sunday Salon: A Christ... · 3 replies · +1 points

Did you get a copy of Fangasm? Those two ladies are living the dream, getting paid to go to Supernatural Conventions. (They have a website I enjoy, too:

10 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - (Audio)Book Talk: THE ... · 1 reply · +1 points

The first one is the least of the series, although it does set up a lot of things that become wonderful. I loved all of these, especially the metafiction. It's the best kind of fiction about readers, why and how they love the stories that become a part of them.

10 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - (Audio)Book Talk: LAND... · 1 reply · +1 points

As I said in my own review, I liked getting the other side of the coin on marriage from the parent who goes off to work. I think what I didn't say is that I also liked it that the off-to-work parent is the mother, in this book.

10 years ago @ The 3 R's: Readin... - Book to Movie Talk: GO... · 1 reply · +1 points

If Rox thinks the people of Missouri fared relatively well, I'd hate to see what a movie actually making fun of the folks in flyover country would look like. Potato chip casserole, indeed. (oh yeah, in the movie it was "frito pie.")
The movie was filmed in my hometown of Cape Girardeau, and all those shots of the bridge are of the real bridge over the Mississippi there.