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7 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Dear Rebel Media: Just... · 0 replies · +1 points

Strange things have been happening at the Rebel of late. Their new "British Correspondent" is Tommy Robinson, former EDL leader with multiple criminal convictions for fraud and assault. Their new Australian correspondent was turfed from his last journalism job for plagiarism. Their new Washington correspondent is one of the Trump campaigners behind the "Pizzagate" and "Rape Melania" frauds. Faith Goldy and Gavin McGinnis are striving harder and harder to provoke "outrage" (did you see Gavin's piece last week mocking disabled dancers? Or his "satirical" rant about why he hates "Jews"?) And the comments section has taken an extremely brutal, downward turn.

I believe that there is s strong need for professional journalism from EVERY perspective in this country. But it sure ain't "The Rebel".

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - The Ultimate Link List... · 0 replies · +5 points

Is this compilation your very own little project, SUZANNE? I ask because I have some comments about the mindset that selected some of these as worthy of observation, but I don't want to offend you if you didn't do this.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - VIDEO: Brian Lilley De... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Rebel primarily produces propaganda for specific political parties and specific corporate interests, within a very narrow ideological range. That's fine, although it's a terrible business model - still, it's useful for bloggers like yourself, Arnie Lemaire, Kathy Shaidle, and others of the same bent. (Although their new paywall will seriously limit their utility. Poor Ezra - he REALLY needs a business advisor).

However, they claim to be a news source, and in the recent Notley brouhaha, they were quite adamant about their commitment to being "journalists". They are not.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - VIDEO: Brian Lilley De... · 2 replies · +2 points

I'm pointing to the absurdity of anyone associated with "the Rebel" having the temerity to criticize an authentic media outlet for failing to include a balanced response (although they tried). The Rebel, quite simply, never does. And that would be okay, if they'd simply acknowledge that they're propagandists for a specific range of corporate and political interests. The problem is, they occasionally pretend to be journalists.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - VIDEO: Brian Lilley De... · 4 replies · 0 points

"They didn't even get pro-life commentary in it."

They tried to call the sponsors of the ad.

So...did Brian Lilley interview the author of the Metro piece?

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Why Pope Francis Did N... · 1 reply · +2 points

I found this an interesting and balanced article:

It also explains your difficulty in tracking down a Papal statement on the Congo.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Dear Republicans: Dump... · 1 reply · +1 points

Huh. So the Holy Father DOES read your blog.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Dear Republicans: Dump... · 0 replies · 0 points

I would say if you have an actual question for me, by all means ask it. I don't really do well with long strings of cliché.

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Dear Republicans: Dump... · 2 replies · +2 points

The problem is that success in business and success in politics do not involve identical skill sets (as the cities of Ottawa and Toronto both learned in the last decade).

8 years ago @ BIG BLUE WAVE - Dear Republicans: Dump... · 1 reply · +3 points

Strangely, large swaths of the Canadian right - including most of of the lead contributors to "The Rebel" - are endorsing Trump. And the support seems driven by pure fear - fear of Muslims, fear of foreigners, fear of a world in which America is no longer the only dominant military and economic force.