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13 years ago @ The Powers That Be - Gingrich Web Ad: Vote ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mitt Romney is not a conservative on his best day, and he is trying to survive the primary. Americans need to Coalesce behind a strong conservative candidate. Maybe that’s begun in South Carolina?

Newt and Romney in a statistical tie in South Carolina. I don’t think it’s quite time yet to coronate the King of Bain.

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, Mitt Romney, I put the finger on you.

13 years ago @ - Friday Open Thread: Ja... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mitt Romney is not a conservative on his best day and he is trying to survive the primary. Americans need to Coalesce behind a strong conservative candidate. Maybe that’s begun in South Carolina?

There is a poll out showing Newt and Romney in a statistical tie in South Carolina. I don’t think it’s quite time yet to coronate the King of Bain.

The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe, Mitt Romney, I put the finger on you.

13 years ago @ Big Government - US Supreme Court Choos... · 0 replies · -1 points

Keeping with the religious theme and government. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Mitt Romney I Put The Finger On You.

13 years ago @ - Open Thread: Wednesday... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mitt Romney & The L Word(s) Liberal, Liar and Liquidator.

Meanwhile Newt Gingrich is going to release an attack ad against Mitt Romney titled “The King of Bain”. I decided to look up the dictionary definition of the closest spelling to Bain. Bane definition, a person or thing that causes misery or distress ( esp a bane in of one’s Life).

13 years ago @ Big Government - No More Go-along-to-Ge... · 1 reply · +5 points

Mitt Romney & The L Word(s) Liberal, Liar and Liquidator.

Meanwhile Newt Gingrich is going to release an attack ad against Mitt Romney titled "The King of Bain". I decided to look up the dictionary definition of the closest spelling to Bain. Bane definition, a person or thing that causes misery or distress ( esp a bane in of one's Life).

13 years ago @ The Powers That Be - Did Obama Start Bloggi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Check Out Frank Rich, he would vote for Obama again.

Imus Guest Frank Rich, Obama’s Foreign Policy Hasn’t Been A Total Failure, accuses Rick Perry of wanting to invade Iraq again VIDEO.

Like A Bat Out Of Hell, that’s how I would describe our exit from Iraq. Unfortunately we left Iraq, without a Status Of Forces Agreement.

No one but Rick Perry got the answer right on the Iraq foreign policy failure at the ABC republican debate last Saturday night. Not Mitt who missed an opportunity, and certainly not Newt who repeated the liberal media meme.

It’s unfortunate that we will end up back in Iraq, but President Obama’s leading from behind style has consequences to the United States national security.

The American Economy is tied directly to our Foreign Policy. Both of are tied to our National Security."It's the free flow of oil stupid"

13 years ago @ - W.House hopeful Romney... · 0 replies · +1 points

That's not entirely true Mitt Romney flubbed on the Iraq foreign policy question the only candidate that got the answer right was Governor Rick Perry. Newt Gingrich completely got it wrong and they both missed an opportunity to project leadership qualities.

Frank Rich Obama’s Foreign Policy Hasn’t Been A total Failure, accuses Rick Perry of wanting to invade Iraq again VIDEO. http://youhavetobethistalltogoonthisride.blogspot....

A Bat Out Of Hell, that’s how I would describe our exit from Iraq. Unfortunately we left Iraq, without a Status Of Forces Agreement.

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13 years ago @ - HillBuzz Open Thread: ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Imus In The Morning Guest Frank Rich

Frank Rich Obama’s Foreign Policy Hasn’t Been A total Failure, accuses Rick Perry of wanting to invade Iraq again VIDEO.

A Bat Out Of Hell, that’s how I would describe our exit from Iraq. Unfortunately we left Iraq, without a Status Of Forces Agreement.

13 years ago @ The Powers That Be - John McCain Endorsemen... · 2 replies · +1 points

For some reason the media is pimping Mitt as Mr inevitable if they stopped with the false narrative a conservative rival might break through. But Corporate Media wants the weak vanilla corporate nominee. They think that the republican base will just fall in line. The establishment republicans are really condescending of the base they constantly use to get elected. I believe they are suppressing the republican base turn out on purpose to help Mitt Romney. John McCain beat Mitt Romney in 2008, and he lost to Obama, using the same play from the establishment play book but a different candidate is not going to change the outcome of the 2012 election. The GOP is fighting the last war 2008- they lost there are no do overs.

13 years ago @ - OpenThread: Thursday J... · 0 replies · +2 points

Imus Guest this morning, Jake Tapper ABC News “The Democrats Want Mitt Romney To Be The Republican Nominee”

Mr Vanilla apparently the Democrat’s favorite flavor.

28,000 Independents participated out of 122,255 republican caucus goers, that puts republican participation in their own caucus under 100,000.00 Ron Paul came in 3rd with 21% his 3rd place win was made up of 44% Independents. The GOP really has a big problem with their base.
They can’t see the big picture they need an excited base to vote in the General and Ron Paul’s voters are committed they will write Paul’s name in -in the general.

Mitt Romney’s strategy of last man standing – surviving the primary by dividing the conservative base is hurting the GOP’s voter enthusiasm quotient. Barack Obama isn’t going to have a problem ginning up his base against the evil 1% that Mitt Romney will be representing. Talk about made to order political punching bag. Yes I can see why the Democrats want Romney to be the nominee.