


191 comments posted · 4 followers · following 1

10 years ago @ http://www.rageagainst... - Why the lack of indict... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is too amazing for me to ruin it with my mere words. Thank you.

10 years ago @ Mother of Imperfection - Hang Ups and Hypocrisy · 0 replies · +1 points

I related to this on many levels. We have the weirdest anniversaries. It's why we go on dates a lot. Because we know something will goof up the bigger date.

10 years ago @ Mother of Imperfection - No Rhyme or Reason · 1 reply · +1 points

I can't NOT write to music. There has to be something in my head/ears when I've writing. There is right now so I can get out a coherent sentence to you.

we are a lot alike

10 years ago @ Mother of Imperfection - Deanna Herrmann: Take ... · 1 reply · +2 points

I've been very fortunate to have been at the same job for over 10 years and I knew someone to get that one. Job hunting is soul crushing.

Hang in there. This was very well-written.

10 years ago @ Mother of Imperfection - Did She Drink Too Much... · 1 reply · +1 points


Is this where I tell you about the time I woke up in mexico with no pants on?

1992, I was managing a band I went to college with. They played a gig in panama city beach and it went bad. we all got wasted on tequila and other substances. I woke up on a miniature golf course in mexico beach florida, pants less, with 6 dollars in my pocket. I used it to buy shorts and walked 7 seven miles to one of the band members' hotel.

ahhhh, early 20s

10 years ago @ http://www.rageagainst... - On World Vision, gay m... · 1 reply · +14 points

If your heart ached for the poor, you wouldn't place your bigotry against homosexuals above World Vision's great work. So, you're lying. That's not very Christian.

10 years ago @ http://www.rageagainst... - On World Vision, gay m... · 1 reply · +10 points

Rick, you're wrong on every word and every sentence of your response.

1) You have no proof that homosexuality is a sin. That your interpretation of 7 verses in a Bible written by men in dead languages that have been purposely misinterpreted.

2) You show me one gay person or same-sex couple that has tried to convert a child to their sexuality preference. Go Rock. Run a long, Scour the internet. You won't find one.

3) Jesus was more about equality than he was anything else. Read your red letters, sir. He would be horrified at your picking and choosing which organization to give your money too based on your poor choice in political leanings.

4) The fact you would even consider taking money away from World Vision based on bigotry is more of a sin than gayness. Shame on you

11 years ago @ The Insomniacs Dream - Writer\'s Retreat: Dea... · 1 reply · +1 points

ha, perfect

Great stuff, Liz

When I started my current blog, in 2010, I got asked several times by "daddy bloggers" to post. Since there are like 12 dudes on the internet who blog I felt obligated and needed. Like you, I'm not a mommy/daddy blogger. I'm a writer. And I'm crazy. If I planned my posts and massaged them into a niche or genre then I wouldn't have ever signed into the web to begin with.

Great post, cheerio and pip pip

11 years ago @ The Insomniacs Dream - Life is Hard if You\'r... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yeah, it's weird. There are way too many people on the medias that are social with bios that say how much of a nerd they are. Some of them are lying. I used my wit and limited football skills to avoid being shoved into lockers but I was never cool or "in". The fact we write so much AND put it out there is proof of our nerdom, right?

yeah, weird.

11 years ago @ The Toast - In Defense of the Midd... · 0 replies · +2 points

we are also more responsible and more likely to write reasoned, thoughtful concert and album reviews online to well connected places and thus help them.

Nice list. I hope some of the right people read this.