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9 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 7 Questions to Ask Bef... · 1 reply · +1 points

God sends us where the people are, He is constantly reaching for us. I highly suggest an online mission. I know when God called me online, I was like: "You have got to be kidding me"... but He wasn't and just as Ron has posted some incredible wisdom for us today, I learned and grew through with God and saw that online ministry is completely viable, because God is in it. His Word no matter online or face to face, when it is spoken, it does not return void. Ask God if He wants to send you out, possibly to twitterverse... never thought I would be hearing myself say that... BUT God, He makes the times, creates the seasons so He has gone before us and is totally up with all of this! So go ye therefore... and be equipped by God and His Godly leaders. Thanks Ron!

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - What Leading Error-Fre... · 1 reply · +1 points

When someone over me micromanages me, I feel devalued. I have felt this way before: "I have what it takes to lead, I have proven it by my faithfulness over many years and you asked me to lead, so why are you micromanaging me? This makes me feel like I want to quit and say, why don’t you just do it, you don’t need me."

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Having a Gut-Honest Ta... · 1 reply · +1 points

I do the same thing. I take the feelings of my doubts and verbalize them and then I kick myself thinking, well, feelings are not really right or wrong, it is what I do with them that makes them right or wrong, so I have just made a feeling… WRONG! LOL! Truly, like you so wisely put it, it is a time to take my feelings to God for a heart to heart talk. It is the better decision.

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - What My Fitbit Taught ... · 1 reply · +1 points

That is cool! I like that idea! I think for my spiritual fitness I use the scripture for goals. I need to change certain things in my life, so I keep a scripture goal, running it over and over in my mind, asking God to change the bad habit into a good habit, testing its strength by stepping out purposefully in the wisdom of it and eventually responding with it and meeting my goal. So I have a goal set by the scripture, a goal to specifically grow! My big accountability partner is God's Holy Spirit of course, my little one is my small group, we have set some goals for good scriptural habits. We check on each other weekly.

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 5 Situations You May N... · 1 reply · +2 points

I have not been open to use it for a lot of years. I realized reading this post that I need to be open to micromanagement at times. In my past I was hurt badly by a Pastor with a very dysfunctional micromanagement style. Since then I have not been open to use it. I realize now that is wrong. As you have shown, there are times it is needed. It is not a bad word! Followship is being open to the lead of the Holy Spirit, micromanagement has been a crack in my armor that needs to be repaired, so I too can follow after God if I am called to micromanage someone in times such as these. Thanks for this post. I sense God is wanting to heal something in my past through this wisdom. Appreciate it.

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - How to be a better blo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks! I needed to hear that! God bless your day!

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 5 Vacation Goals for a... · 1 reply · +1 points

I am going to sit on a dock on a river in Tennessee and soak in the beauty of God, enjoy the water, boating, sunshine and rest. I get up early and sometimes sit in the fog and watch the sunrise, it replenishes my soul. Alone, Quiet, Beautiful. God has called me online, so my days are always very busy in followship of this call, so I look forward to when I can unplug, NO Social Media, to resting, to family time. It is a family reunion, so I am going to listen much and learn much about how my nieces and nephews have grown and their future plans. I hope for God to speak to my heart in that special way He always does when I withdraw from the norm on vacation; I love the sweetness of His relationship, that seems sweeter than honey when I am on vacation! And of course it is always in the plan for some special memory making time with my husband, my best friend on this earth! AWE-GOD! Can't wait!

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 5 Steps When You're Ov... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great Wisdom! I especially like the mentor one... I not only seek out a mentor but a "prayer mentor"! I feel like God always puts me way out in the deep, way over my head. As long as I stay focused on HIM, keeping my call to Him 1st, clinging to HIM, I am okay. BUT, if I try to kindle my own fire and walk by the light of a man made fire… that eventually flames out… Oh the emotional torment… YIKES!!

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 7 Ways We Keep Our Mar... · 1 reply · +1 points

We own each other's giftedness! I am a God gifted exhorter. It is a great gift to have been given. The downside of the gift is that I "feel" deeply, my emotions run on high speed! In our marriage we have adjusted ourselves to the giftedness God has given us by creating a safe relationship for our God-Given gifts. My husband has the gift of evangelism, so I accept unconditionally everything that goes along with that gift. For me, I need a safe place to vent my emotions and feelings, I need for my emotions to be owned, but not judged, by that I mean, my feelings are not right or wrong until I act on them. My husband provides that safe place, He embraces my emotions, he owns them. My husband will talk to everyone and anyone about Jesus. He will stop on the street corner and talk to a complete stranger. I had to let go of my discomfort and let HIM be used by God in His giftedness. We have recognized each others giftedness, we have counted the cost of them and we make a "safe" relationship where they can be expressed and experienced… unconditionally so!

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - My 10 Favorite Cities ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Juno Beach Florida. It is on the East Coast of Florida. They have a cool path that starts in Juno by this really beautiful lake and then you jog along the ocean all the way down to Carlin Park in Jupiter. I used to roller blade it. So pretty! Nice Ocean Breeze! Then afterwards you can walk the Juno Pier, which I love, one of my favorite things is go out to the end of it and watch the waves backwards... pretty cool!