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11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Hasbro Copyright Claim... · 2 replies · +3 points

Yet, you act like that's such a bad thing.

I get really sick of ignorant people throwing up that argument all the time like it means something. "They're all about the money boo hoo!!" So what? So is everyone. So is everything. Like it or not, this is a capitalist country. That means it runs on money. You know... that whole "economy" thing. So, when people start crying "BOO HOO THEY CARE ABOUT MONEY THAT'S ALL THEY CARE ABOUT." all I can say to you is "Well, uh... NO DUH." Why the hell do you think Hasbro hires and maintains a creative department TO make all of these franchises and works? And why the hell do you think all of their franchises, including this one, not only are designed mainly to promote products, but are specifically based AROUND them? That's Hasbro's bottom line with every franchise they ever brought into being and it always was since day one. It's the MONEY in the first place, that even fosters any kind of atmosphere TO create.

If you're claiming Hasbro only cares about "money" (which, no, it's the intellectual property that is the issue here, so you're still technically wrong anyway) what stupid excuse do you have for the people SELLING HASBRO'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY as their own? Weren't they "all about the money", too? Weren't they specifically making money from it by the act of selling them? Yes. They were. You can say they were "covering printing costs" until you're blue in the face, but you know what that printing cost covering comes to? Yup. Money. Like everything else. Just saying that's the end result, still doesn't stop it from still being the end result.

And you know what? On the subject of everything being "about money" or coming "from money".... YOU'RE "all about the money", too. What do you buy your groceries with? Money. What do you buy your products, DVD's, music, and video games with? Money. Without the same money that corporations like Hasbro contribute to putting INTO our economic system, you'd wind up with precisely jack shit and no way to live that didn't involve surviving in the wilderness, wiping with pinecones and doing anything that you know for a fact you wouldn't be able to do, nor would you give up if you didn't have to.

If you're going to act like Hasbro is the devil simply because they live off of money like you, me, and absolutely every single one of us here DO, then you're either a hypocrite, an idiot, a liar or all three.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Brony Rant - My Little... · 2 replies · +7 points

Bronies have every right to bitch about old pony gens. Because they were awful. The fact that "bronies" even exist today is a testament to how awful the old gens are, just by the mere fact of Lauren Faust going back over a terrible franchise that was lame and stupid (she even fully admits this herself, it was this lack of quality that was the catalyst for her rebooting the series in the first place, at Hasbro's request).

If she hadn't come along and made an embarrassing old franchise into a quality production, "bronies" today, wouldn't even BE a thing. And Littlest Pet Shop is a poorly written, vapid waste of time that's every bit as bad as the old pony gen's trying to milk FiM's success for all it can milk it for, from a bunch of misguided corporate executives utterly failing to see why FiM creative approach succeeded in the first place, and just being another vapid cash-in, showing that Hasbro may have commissioned a creator to create something creative, but the company itself has still learned nothing.

Plus, arrogance is absolutely no determining factor on whether or not someone can be 100% right and have a great point. This guy is 100% right and makes great points.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - (Rumor) Season 12 Leak... · 0 replies · +6 points

I thought April Fools day ended 16 days ago.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - (Rumor) Season 12 Leak... · 2 replies · +21 points

Because horse.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Insurance Company Rele... · 0 replies · +4 points

ANOTHER negative, insulting, uninformed, untrue view of bronies gets featured on Equestria Daily?? Two in one day?

I reiterate what I said on the SNL post. Why are you even posting these? Is this site suddenly recieving secret funding from Fox News to sneak in their anti-brony rhetoric on the side, that I didn't know about?

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Ponies Invade SNL · 2 replies · +3 points

"It's pretty negative".

....then why even post it, EQD? This kind of thing should not even be posted here. And I become disappointed in this site everytime it does.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Double Rainboom\" Re... · 3 replies · +1 points

Y'know, despite the fact that his insult was an entirely valid and correct one. The nitpicking on display is entirely motivated by self-centered, entitled, bloated, wholly-unrealistic and incredibly childish expectations and succeeding in ignorantly missing the point, masterfully.

But then again, I'm sure you're one of those people who still believe that everyone is naturally entitled to their opinion, instead of opinions being a privilege earned with sense, logic, and reasonably intelligent or informed expectations, even if they're incredibly stupid opinions formed entirely on the basis of unfair biasedness, indignancy, being incredibly misinformed, or just trollish whining for the sake of hearing oneself whine. You are the kind of person who merely acts as the enabler of the stupid. And I cannot stand people like you.

Opinions are not infallible. They can be exposed as entirely unjustified and incredibly flawed to the point of abject stupidity. And that was done. The insult was warranted, because the accusation of self-centeredness was clearly applicable as a reply to the snotty tone and lack of backing for said stupid opinion given. Opinions are not created equal. Stop pretending they are. It's what only serves to make entitled peons with the logic and intelligence of a gnat always think that they're the only ones who deserve to say something, just becuase they have something to say, Even if it's flimsier than a fiberglass roadblock.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Double Rainboom\" Re... · 2 replies · +1 points

Yeah, because that has so much to do with it. Especially when he's referring to the fact that he's completely correct in his assertion that this particular fan-made episode contained more elements in it than JUST pony.

Your reply is incredibly stupid and vastly missing the point. Then again, this whole nitpicking of Double Rainboom is based entirely on the ignorant generalizations, and self-centered assumptions of what YOU think the ACTUAL creators REALLY intended with the project, (despite really having no actual knowledge at all as just someone who is only a viewer and not actually part of the creative team), by taking one incredibly vague statement and stretching it out to mean whatever they think it must mean by way of their snobbish and entitled need to whine and tear something apart based entirely on knee-jerking, selfish, stupid assumptions of the world not working out exactly as they wanted it to, thus acting like they were owed something by these people and the rest of the world.

Sorry, cupcake. The world doesn't work that way, and it doesn't all revolve around your every severely nitpicky expectation. When you grow up a bit, you'll someday come to realize that along with the rest of the human race.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Double Rainboom\" Re... · 0 replies · +1 points

....was completely and absolutely wrong. And you're foolish for mindlessly going along with it without knowing or having the slightest semblance of an idea what you or anyone else you're vapidly nodding your head to, is actually talking about.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Double Rainboom\" Re... · 0 replies · +3 points

>lower quality animation used back then.

*facepalm* That may very well be the most ignorant generalization I may have ever read. Clearly spoken by someone who has no actual concept of the process of animation nor the proper perception of what constitutes it's "quality".

Actually, since most of the first few seasons of PPG that constitute more than half of the show was animated traditionally rather than with a program like flash, PPG was quite possibly animated BETTER, or at least absolutely more painstakingly with higher quality and more work than FiM is, just by sheer comparison of the tools used to do so.

But, nevermind. You just go ahead living in your assumptive delusions, with your complete ignorance of how animation actually works, assuming that you have it all figured out. Tell me how that works out when you actually have to back up your idiotic assumptions if and when ever talking to a real animator who has actually done so, themselves, and knows more than you on the subject.