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8 years ago @ CathNews - Pope Francis avoids do... · 0 replies · +1 points

A brief reading of the Gospels reveales the fact that Jesus was often more compassionate than the religious authorities of his day. That was one reason he was handed over to the Romans for crucifixion. Pope Francis is a compassionater Church Leader - a lot like Jesus, really.

8 years ago @ CathNews - An interview with Pope... · 0 replies · +1 points

How wonderful for the Catholic Church - Pope Francis, a Christian Leader who promotes Mercy over Judgement - Truly Christ's Messenger. Deo Gratias!

8 years ago @ CathNews - Snake in the Garden · 0 replies · +1 points

Joy Cowley is One Wise Christian Woman. Her view of the Bible is that of an educated modern theologically-minded Thinker. The Church has been for too long upholding a questionable 'Sola Scriptura' understanding of the scriptures - a series of Books written by very different people. Christians need to use the God-given faculty of Reason, and openness to the Holy Spirit, to keep up to date with what it really is that "The Spirit is saying to The Church". Jesus himself said: "They will know you are my disciples by your love" - not your capacity for judgement.

8 years ago @ CathNews - Catholic Church Will C... · 0 replies · 0 points

I'm sure that Roman Catholics are among those families that already include faithfully-partnered, monogamous, Same-Sex Couples. But will the Vatican recognise that? Probably not in my time on earth. The Church of England is now accepting the fact that a bishop can be faithfully Same-Sex partnered. However, he has had to declare that this partnership is non-sexual.

8 years ago @ CathNews - US order’s superior ... · 0 replies · 0 points

Like being called to the Headmistress' study - only in this case, the Headmaster's?

8 years ago @ CathNews - Devotion to Our Lady i... · 0 replies · +2 points

It's good to read of the increased devotion to Our Lady - especially at the Shrines at Walsingham in the U.K. The Roman Catholic Shrine has considerably grown from the time when I first visited the Anglican Shrine of our Lady at Walsingham in 1960, when the Roman Shrine was contained in the small 'Slipper Chapel', where the original pilgrims would shed their shoes in order to walk to the mediaeval Shrine bare-footed. However, that Chapel is now a large separate R.C. Shrine, which has become the centre of devotion for Roman Catholics.

The Anglican Shrine, occupying the original site of the mediaeval Pilgrim Centre still has a chapel for Roman Catholic devotion, as well as a chapel for Orthodox pilgrims - even though the Orthodox now also have their own Shrine in the village.

Our Lady is the common objective of inter-Church pilgrimage to Walsingham - a unique place of devotion for both Eastern and Western Christians to pray and to contemplate the fact that Mary, the Mother of The Lord, is a common focus for the devotion of those who understand her scriptural vocation as Blessed by God. for her willingness to become the human agency of Christ's Incarnate life.

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus!

9 years ago @ CathNews - Anglican proposal for ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Not having a 'Magisterium', which would legislate for every Province of the world-wide Anglican Communion, each province - In this case the Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Polynesia - is at liberty to to enact its own legislative measures that do not deny the central doctrines of the Anglican Communion.

Thus, the ability to 'Bless' Same-Sex Unions (i.e. Civil Marriage for Same-Sex monogamously faithful Couples) is contemplated as a way of including such committed relationships within our Church. This is also a pastoral initiative to honour those people who are members of our Church who desire God's Blessing on their relationshp.

If one can 'bless' a battleship, a private household or a garden. then why not a faithful committed life-long relationship between two person of the same gender?

No priest will be forced to conduct a Same-Sex Marriage Blessing.

9 years ago @ CathNews - Fundamentalism · 0 replies · 0 points

Joy's article whould remind us all of the original meaning of the word 'fundementalist', which, as far as religion is concerned, was meant to describe those matteres that are fundamental to our faith - whether Christian, Mu7slim, or whatever.

However, with the advent of a defensive attitude to our particular faith principles, some of us have moved into a phase of oppositional implacability towards anyone whom we consider to be departing from 'our' fundamental principles.

This can lead, and has indeed led, to violence in defence of our principles - the the point where others are threatened because of our 'fundamentalism'.

I suppose the imortant point about our use of the word relates to its immediate connotation. Are we using it to describe dearly-held principles that we eant others to cherish? or are we using our fundamentalism to perpetuate violence aginst those with different 'fundamentals', with whom we disagree?

9 years ago @ CathNews - Cardinal Pell's 'own g... · 1 reply · +1 points

As an Anglican priest in New Zealand, wanting the Church to accept the fact of homosexuality being a normailty in the lives of some people in our world, and to accept its intrinsically gifted people with pastoral sensitivity; I early on noted the association of Cardinal Pell with the Anglican Abp of Sydney, Peter Jensen, in joint opposition to this reality in their respective Churches.

Both, I believe, have done great harm to people of faith who struggle with their sexuality, and both have proved pastorally insensitive on this important issue.

9 years ago @ Gay Star News www.gays... - Episcopal Church Scotl... · 0 replies · +6 points

This tells me that Scottish Episcopalians are more 'on the ball' than most other Provinces of the Angican Communion. Like that other Episcopalian family in North America (TEC), which derived its first bishop from SEC, you are a much-needed prophetic voice for the rest of us. May God richly bless you. We need you.