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12 years ago @ - Liberal Hate: High Sch... · 0 replies · +3 points
It will be a very messy day indeed when the black community realizes how they have been duped and enslaved by Democrats. In other countries, it usually ends up in civil war, with the oppressed hunting down their tormentors and exacting retribution. What will happen here is hard to say, but I, for one, wouldn't blame them.
12 years ago @ - Liberal Hate: High Sch... · 0 replies · +2 points
13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Morning Bell: It's Tim... · 0 replies · +2 points
There is a better way -- The FairTax. It is not an income tax. It replaces all forms of federal income tax with a single, simple, retail sales tax that applies only to new goods and services. It untaxes American business, creates millions of new jobs, and supercharges the American economy. It also ends taxation of any kind on purchases up to the poverty level, helping the poor and middle class, and encouraging those with less to earn their way out of poverty, instead of holding them in destitution like the current income tax system.
Under the FairTax, everyone pays the same rate on purchases, rich or poor, and, unlike the present income tax system, it taxes the underground economy, visitors to our country, illegal aliens, and the extremely wealthy who currently use high priced advisers to create "tax free" income. And because it does not tax capital, only purchases, it would allow the return of the roughly $13 trillion currently kept off-shore by business to avoid US taxation. Providing an unimaginable stimulus to the American economy.
The FairTax ends manipulation of the tax code by Congress, returns power to the States, gives individuals more control over their financial future, stimulates the economy, and creates millions of new jobs. The flat tax is simply the same old income tax in a new package.
To learn more about the FairTax, visit and help put an end to a hundred years of income tax misery.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Richmond City Audits L... · 0 replies · +9 points
And if they are not paid, the municipal administrators should be notified that, from that point on, Tea Party events will be no more lawful, or peaceful, than OWS
13 years ago @ YOLOHUB - 22 Signs That The Thin... · 0 replies · +3 points
If your grandparents had been armed, the result would have been two dead intruders instead of a new crime statistic.
Don't be fooled by claims to the contrary. You, and only you, can truly defend yourself. The police may be able to arrest someone after the crime has been committed, but that does nothing to help the victim. Giving up your only means of defense is the last step in becoming chattel to a government that really doesn't care.
13 years ago @ YOLOHUB - 22 Signs That The Thin... · 0 replies · +5 points
The FairTax is one step in that direction. By eliminating the income tax system, and replacing it with a single, simple, retail sales tax, we strip Congress of the power to "play" with the tax code, using it as a weapon to penalize enemies, and a tool for funneling taxpayer funds to supporters. To learn more about the FairTax visit and join Five for FairTax
13 years ago @ YOLOHUB - 22 Signs That The Thin... · 0 replies · +8 points
But you are right about one thing. The rest of us have had enough, and we aren't going to take it, or you, anymore.
13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Obama Couldn't Wait: H... · 2 replies · +126 points
At the same time, we could levy a $5,000 a ton tax on all food that crosses the Washington DC city limits.
After a while, we can see whether the leeches in Washington like taxing more than they like eating.
13 years ago @ Big Government - Mr. President, Here’... · 0 replies · +1 points
13 years ago @ - Christie: Destiny Sho... · 2 replies · +5 points
Blacks biggest crime is that they made the tragic mistake of believing White Progressive were their friends, and were really trying to help. Sure, like the Farmer helps the Chicken. right up to Sunday dinner.