


784 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

4 years ago @ Clever Manka - So You Want to Make So... · 0 replies · +1 points

way back in the day, I came up with a cross-stitching 101 in comments on the Toast, and here it is in blog form for the interested: https://kate-nepveu.dreamwidth.org/925955.html

4 years ago @ Mark Reads - Mark Reads 'The Fifth ... · 0 replies · +5 points

I loved reading such a meaty analysis of the prologue! I opened up the book on my ereader app to remind me to try and reread along with you, because I love this series and think I could benefit from a thorough dive into it.

for those who are thinking of reading for the first time, here is a broad content note:

pbagnvaf onfvpnyyl nal onq guvat gung lbh pna guvax bs unccravat gb n puvyq.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't have STEVEN UNIVERSE: THE MOVIE somehow, probably because I didn't really like it so didn't rush to snag it when it went live. If anyone has it, I can add it to the torrent! Thanks.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +2 points

I seed indefinitely! Three things: (1) If you've snagged a torrent from me, please try and stay seeding for a while. Thanks! (2) More recent torrents don't have trackers, make sure you have DHT on in your client. (3) If a torrent isn't seeding, please comment to let me know, sometimes I need to kick a server!

FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD: https://steelypips.org/markwatchesfma-b.torrent

REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA: https://steelypips.org/mw-utena.torrent

GALAXY QUEST: https://steelypips.org/mw-galaxy-quest.torrent

THE GOOD PLACE: https://steelypips.org/Mark%20Watches%20The%20Goo...

STEVEN UNIVERSE: http://steelypips.org/Mark%20Watches%20SU%20(all)...
* does not include the movie as of June 4, 2020

If you need to fill in holes in your collection for THE GOOD PLACE or STEVEN UNIVERSE, your torrent client should let you pick just certain episodes; I'm not deleting the old episode torrents, but I'm not posting links to them, either.

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +1 points

yeah, sorry, you should re-download the torrent file for the last three episodes, my bad!

4 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +1 points

I am definitely uploading to someone right now, and that's probably you!

which reminds me that I have the last three episodes and haven't set them up to torrent, oops, I will have to do that tonight!

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +2 points


ALL FILES (you will have to redownload this whenever there are updates, or just get the new ones below): http://steelypips.org/Mark%20Watches%20SU%20(all)...

1x01-1x07: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E01-E07.torrent
1x08-1x14: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E08-E14.torrent
1x15-1x21: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E15-E21.torrent
1x22-1x28 : https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E22-E28.torrent
1x29-1x35: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E29-E35.torrent
1x36-1x42: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E36-E42.torrent
1x43-1x49: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E43-E49.torrent
1x50-2x03: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S01E50-S02E03.torren...
2x04-2x10: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S02E04-E10.torrent
2x11-2x17: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S02E11-E17.torrent
2x18-2x24: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S02E18-E24.torrent
2x25 - 3x03 : https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S02E25-S03E03.torren...
3x04 - 3x08: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S03E04-E08.torrent
3x09 - 3x13: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S03E09-E13.torrent
3x14 - 3x18: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S03E14-E18.torrent
3x19 - 3x25: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S03E19-E25.torrent
4x01 - 4x05 : https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E01-E05.torrent
4x06 - 4x11: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E06-E11.torrent
4x12 - 4 x shorts: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E12-S04shorts.tor...
4x15 - 4x18: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E15-E18.torrent
4x19 - 4x23: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E19-E23.torrent
4x24 - 5x04: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S04E24-S05E04.torren...
5x05 - 5x06: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E05-E06.torrent
5x07 - 5x10: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E07-E10.torrent
5x11 - 5x12: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E11-E12.torrent
5x13 - 5x16: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E13-E16.torrent
5x17 - 5x18: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E17-E18.torrent
5x19 - 5x23: https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E19-E23.torrent
5x24 x 5x27 - https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E24-E27.torrent
5x28 - https://steelypips.org/MW-SU-S05E28.torrent

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 0 replies · +2 points


Mark Watches Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: https://steelypips.org/markwatchesfma-b.torrent

Mark Watches Revolutionary Girl Utena: https://steelypips.org/mw-utena.torrent

Mark Watches Galaxy Quest: https://steelypips.org/mw-galaxy-quest.torrent

5 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - The Black Market · 6 replies · +1 points

I seed indefinitely! Four things: (1) If you've snagged a torrent from me, please try and stay seeding for a while. Thanks! (2) More recent torrents don't have trackers, make sure you have DHT on in your client. (3) My list of torrents has grown long enough that IntenseDebate won't let me edit them as a single comment. So I'm putting them as a reply to this comment; it makes my life easier if you reply to THIS comment, not the ones with links, so I can keep editing those. (4) If a torrent isn't seeding, please comment to let me know, sometimes I need to kick a server!