Kara Harkins

Kara Harkins


141 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Is Rush Over on the O... · 0 replies · 0 points


11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Is Rush Over on the O... · 0 replies · +11 points

Prep for the silver so you can see what blue line riders have been yelling about?

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Does the Transit Subsi... · 0 replies · +6 points

I changed to the disability rate for metro last year. My opinion of them did not change at all.

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Does the Transit Subsi... · 1 reply · +2 points

The subsidies I have heard of take out a huge chunk of the month. Even the pre-tax one (not technically a subsidy and any company can use it) covers you easily if you are not making long trips.

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 0 replies · +6 points

The key word of that is 'outside'. That means if you are downtown it is ILLEGAL to ride on the sidewalk except for in exception cases (like parks).

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 0 replies · +4 points

To allow bikes to run red lights? Why do we say cars can not do that if they make sure they will not hit anyone first? They are going faster so there is less of a chance of a problem, right?

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 1 reply · +2 points

Apologies, yes there are plenty of good bicyclists out there who know what they are doing and who follow the laws and such. Unfortunately the bad ones taint the reputation of the entire group.

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 2 replies · +3 points

So you admit to doing things that are illegal? Riding your bike in the road for the core is not just a suggestion. It is a law.

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 1 reply · +3 points

Same here. For various reasons I never learned how to drive either. About my main pet peeve about summer is it means bicyclists on sidewalks. Typically ones who do not know what they are doing, refuse to wear at a helmet, and cuss out any pedestrians who get in their way (yes, I have been hit by a bike and the cyclist yelled at ME .... even though he was breaking the law). That said I know some excellent cyclists and at one time was able to ride a bike too.

My most annoying one was crossing from GWU hospital to Washington Circle one morning. The traffic light turned red and the walk light turned on and a bicyclist blew through the red and yelled at the pedestrians who were legally the only ones who should have been in the crosswalk. Seeing bicyclists breaking traffic laws (running reds, on sidewalks in the core, whatever) happens several times a day. If the cops actually enforced the laws DC would never have any budget issues.

11 years ago @ http://unsuckdcmetro.b... - Happy Bike to Work Day... · 4 replies · +11 points

bike vs pedestrian ... pedestrian wins every time

Bicyclists can not have it both ways, either they are a vehicle or a pedestrian. In DC they are considered vehicles, which means following the same traffic laws as other vehicles. When was the last time anyone saw a non-metro car on the sidewalk?