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10 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - 50 Shades of Evil · 0 replies · +1 points
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 1 reply · +1 points
God redeemed Israel from Egypt, bringing about the dissolution of their covenant of abusive bondage to Pharaoh.
Christ redeemed us from the kingdom of darkness, bringing about the dissolution of Adam's covenant of bondage.
I will continue to speak of God's heart of redemption for His children who are enslaved in a covenant of abusive bondage.
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 1 reply · +1 points
I will continue to speak out for these.
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 0 replies · +1 points
Yes, suffering is a part of life in this world. Believers are not exempt from suffering and should, in fact, expect more, not less.
Yes, God uses all things for the good of those who love Him! We can trust His goodness, no matter what.
Suffering, however, should not be from repeated, unrepentant intentional abuse by a covenant partner who has sworn a sacred vow to love, honor and cherish. God has some very harsh things to say to those who treacherously violate covenant vows (Psalm 55:20, Psalm 89:34, Isaiah 24:5, Malachi 2:14-15).
Blessings to you!
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 2 replies · +1 points
Yes, Jesus was severely abused. However, that abuse came, not by the hand of the Father, but by the sons of Satan (Gen 3:15 & Jn 8:34-45).
Yes, Jesus did submit to suffering and death at the Father's request. However, that suffering was not arbitrary, nor for perverse pleasure. Rather, it was for the purpose of redeeming us from Adam's covenant with the kingdom of darkness and restoring us to right relationship with the Father (Col 1:13-20).
God does not allow us to claim the protection of His covenant while unrepentantly violating the terms of the covenant (Jer 3:8 & Matt 7:21-23).
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 5 replies · +1 points
Yet you believe the church should always teach that this is not the case...even though it is. That the church should, in fact, deny the truth out of fear that some may take undue license.
Wouldn't it be better for the church to always encourage believers to prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as they relentlessly pursue righteousness in all of life's decisions?
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 7 replies · +1 points
You can find snippets of my perspective in various posts on my blog, including and
I provide a more in-depth explanation in my book,
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 4 replies · +1 points
However, metaphors are intended to illustrate points of commonality, not to dictate the full heart of God for every situation.
For example, God always uses covenant to enrich and bless. He never uses covenant to enslave or abuse, as Satan does. To the extent that both marriage partners are seeking to enrich and bless each other's lives, through the marriage covenant, the metaphor holds up and is applicable. However, if one partner hardens their heart against their spouse in unrepentant abuse of the covenant, then the marriage ceases to model Christ and more closely resembles a Satanic relationship...much like the covenant with the kingdom of darkness, from which Christ has redeemed us through His shed blood.
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 9 replies · +1 points
11 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - For Those Pondering Di... · 0 replies · +1 points
I will, however, point out that your stated position of divorce being permitted only for adultery differs substantially from Lori's stated position of divorce being permitted only for abandonment by an unbelieving spouse. These differing views clearly illustrate the broad range of perspectives on this topic within the Christian community, and the need for recognition that none of us has a full understanding. Therefore, we all should encourage the expression of other perspectives, and seek to better understand the heart of God.