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8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 0 replies · +8 points

Yes. This.
I am baffled, just utterly shocked, by people who cling SO HARD to their "right" to be bitter. And not just exist while bitter, but spew their bitterness on everyone unfortunate to cross their paths.

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Who Has The Power in D... · 0 replies · +6 points

Boo boo, it ain't your height. It's your repulsive personality.
Guys reading, don't be like this dude. Be the literal opposite of this dude.

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Building Attraction: W... · 3 replies · +4 points

I'm going with that. The pattern is consistent.
Bro, seriously. Find a better hobby. This one's pathetic

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 4 replies · +3 points

I keep demanding people send me good peanut butter but they keep whining that it's heavy and expensive to ship :(

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 0 replies · +7 points

"My lack of sex is the worst problem our society has ever faced, evah!! You horrible people just don't care or you'd devote yourself to getting me laid!"

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Well if Senor Twatwaffle is any indication, nothing would be lost and a good many people would benefit from not having to deal with his nastiness.

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 6 replies · +4 points

Weeps for being stuck in a country that doesn't do either of those things :( :( :

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 0 replies · +7 points

Jcorozza, I think you must have missed that class in Oppressing the Men 101. Everything that makes fuckboys sad is our fault.

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 1 reply · +10 points

I know this twatwaffle* is gone, but I'm gonna say: Dear whiny boner-dudes, the fact that no one wants to touch your sad boner and that some people do wanna do sexytimes with other DNL members doesn't make us privledged. Words mean something. Also, throwing that word around isn't a magical "you win the argument" key or some shit. Can someone please explain that concept to these moronic trolls??
*apologies to anyone in possession of either a twat or a waffle who was offended by my remark.

8 years ago @ Paging Dr. NerdLove - Ask Dr. NerdLove: How ... · 1 reply · +7 points

I'm seriously gonna offer this and the dudes give eachothers sad boners BJs solution next time this variant of Eeyore shows up here.