Jim Fryar

Jim Fryar


30 comments posted · 2 followers · following 1

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Offence seeking d&eacu... · 1 reply · +2 points

My sitemeter entry pages tend to let me know when Jeremy is in the shit as I have a couple of Clarkson posts. The number tells me just how deep it is, which is the more interesting figure.

With Clarkson however the old expression, "Only the depth varies" is relevant. That bit of outrageousness is probably one of the reasons for his popularity. Even the PC whipped softcocks who dare not offend anyone watch and wish they could grow a pair when he is on.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - QOTD · 1 reply · +2 points

There is an interesting article on the liberal media attitude here.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Junket science · 0 replies · +1 points

Funny you should say that. The forerunner of the LDP had a policy of doing most of the necessary diplomacy by fax, that was back before the internet.

Looking around the web today, it appears some of the euphoria has subsided and reality is rearing its ugly head, although the climate frantics are still engaged in a big enough orgy of self congratulation that they appear not to have noticed.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Hell hath no fury like... · 0 replies · +2 points

The full BBC transcript is available HERE. What is being shown is only a sentence plucked out of a longer interview and the whole thing is a storm in a tea cup over a misrepresentation.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Midair shock death-ris... · 1 reply · +2 points

There are certain areas where procreation takes priority over propriety. This one is a fair example. Good luck to him.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - A modern parable · 0 replies · +1 points

It looks apocryphal but it rings true.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - There oughtta be a law... · 1 reply · +2 points

I recall Singo speaking about the great aorta. Its the vessel that carries the desires of the nanny staters to sustain big government in this country.

"Aorta make a law to stop those bastards doing what I don't like: Aorta shut the pubs earlier; Aorta make a rule to keep all those other drivers off the road during the peak hour when I want to travel, etc."

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - In which I credit the ... · 1 reply · +2 points

Ah, "internationally agreed online "norms of behavior,"/ "backed by US Vice President Joe Biden." What could possibly go wrong?

You have to admire the way collectivists manage to make the idea of our conduct being governed by a majority of third world shitholes sound as reasonable as hell.

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Troy Davis · 0 replies · +2 points

One of the most disturbing aspects of the US justice system is the length prosecutors will go to in order to prevent successful cases from being overturned on new evidence later. It seems inconceivable that exculpatory evidence could be prevented of being heard, just to prevent the prosecution being overturned.

What sort of creep would allow a man to be executed in order to avoid being proven wrong?

13 years ago @ http://angryexile.blog... - Oh God… · 1 reply · +2 points

Off topic, but it looks like our old mate Bawb has sold out on us. Its too funny.

My recent post Australian polls; Labor leader, Gillard 12% support, Liberals Turnbull 11%.