I would probably pay my mortgage before my utilities, but I think the big thing would be to make sure you're not in a position where you have to choose what to pay.
My last 15 Hundred Dollars was on a root canal yesterday for my dog... Ugh! But I do love this idea. Outside of that, we had to pay for our car insurance and probably just random grocery items.
Freaking spot on EL. People complain about money, how little they have, and make no effort to learn anything, reflect upon their habits, or change anything.
And people getting a new car right after paying one off is the worst!
Great tips EL. I hate when I hear gurus tell people to suspend their 401k investments while paying off debt. So freaking stupid. Just put into the company match. That money is needed for retirement, and it's going to take more to be able to catch up down the line.
I definitely wish I had more financial education when I was younger. I can only imagine where I would be and know if I knew back then what I actually do know now!
That seems like a nice looking bag. But since I'm a guy, and not into that kind of thing, is there something similar you could find at a thrift store or something? Maybe that will allow you to buy something, but not spend as much on it?
I definitely hope Volvo doesn't go bankrupt. I imagine in 20 years, I would love to be able to buy a 20 year old Volvo.
I think there are too many un-banked and under-banked individuals who don't have access to an account already, and are stuck paying the fees on prepaid cards and the like. If they can get access to these banks, all the better. But there is still a large segment of the population lacking access to banking services that need to be addressed. Of course, their accounts likely won't make the bank much money, if any, so they will still probably continue to be under represented.
I do love the above mentioned blogs. I also think Charles over at gettingarichlife.com does some awesome work.
For real! It's crazy that people would rather look like they could be on MTV Cribs than have a well funded retirement account and no consumer debts!