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5 years ago @ http://www.booksnob-bo... - Fahrenheit 451 by Ray ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Do you know that in Tarkovsky's Fahrenheit 451, Gone With the Wind is one of the books that is burned?

I analyze the significance of book burning in F 451 here:

5 years ago @ http://bookonaut.blogs... - More Godless news · 0 replies · +1 points

Tor is incredible. They consistently publish amazing books and are unafraid of the voice of the right in the US. A recent favorite of mine for unabashedly pushing a liberal agenda is Cory Doctorow's Radicalized. Check out my review here:

5 years ago @ - Christine’s Fury · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm putting this movie on my list. Every John Carpenter movie I've seen is an instant classic.
Big Trouble in Little China
They Live
The Thing
Escape From New York
Carpenter's visual styles always serve his theme. No detail is wasted.

Here's a post on Escape from New York:

5 years ago @ Open Threat - Orson Scott Card is a ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Orson Scott Card's religion is clearly insane, but Ender's Game is still an amazing book--you can't take that from him.

Here's why:

5 years ago @ Open Threat - One from the vaults: F... · 0 replies · +2 points

It's something to read these thoughts a decade later and now only a couple of years away from Judkowsky's prediction. We are now much closer to the singularity, with AI in development and even at work in the net. Gibson's Case could now, perhaps, meet a Wintermute or a Neuromancer.

I've always been surprised by how a book from 1984 that was bodly titled "New Novel" (neu is new in german, roman is novel) still feels relevant.

For more on cyberpunk, check out my discussion of the subgenre through an analysis of K.W. Jeter's Dr. Adder

5 years ago @ http://littlebookish.b... - Hyperion - The Soldier... · 0 replies · +1 points

Those Hyperion books are excellent . . . at not letting you know what the Shrike is. For the first book, the Shrike is really just a McGuffin--a device that moves the plot forward but has no meaning itself.

That's not a serious problem, however. Hyperion is still a lot of fun. Still, I don't view it as one of the pillars of science fiction. It is a fun read because it is a derivative of great science fiction. So, what is truly great sci-fi? Here's my list of the top 100 SF books: