


9 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The Toast - Dream-Casting The ... · 2 replies · +13 points

I have loved Villette since 1986, and have said it would be what I wrote a dissertation on if I were to do a PhD. This past summer I read Villette aloud to my 13 year old, and she loved it and read it again with the Audible recording, and has gotten some of her homeschooling friends to read it and the boy next door, and now we are working on a script (for summer home movie making) and hope to have a Kenneth Branaugh worthy screenplay ready in the not too distant future. SO COOL to read your casting and everyone's comments.
My daughter takes offense at anyone's disliking John Graham Bretton (he's the prince to Polly's princess after all) and she finds Ginevra redeemable (since a friend down the street is so much like her)! We were thinking of Rupert Perry Jones (Persuasion 2014) for Graham.
A nice song for the end credits of the movie is "Ready for the Storm" (youtube it; I like Rich Mullens's version best)

12 years ago @ Kristine Remixed - When Everything is Clu... · 1 reply · +1 points

"Too many thoughts piling up (worry, fear, discontent, regrets, temptations) in the corners of my life."
I am so with you! But thanks be to God, he has been working in me. Still a ways to go!

12 years ago @ GodsDreamsForJeri - God Whispers Over Us · 1 reply · +1 points

That's WONDERFUL! I am so glad to read that you are resting in his love. So often I have woken and just lay there begging for his love to love others with, but not revelled in it. Thank you.

13 years ago @ http://lorialexander.b... - Forget Submission · 0 replies · +2 points

Good post and I didn't read the previous comments until after writing this one!
My husband is the one toting the mutual submission over "inequality" and we always said it was better that way (husband liberating wife) than the reverse (wife struggling to liberate self). But over the years I have realized that the idea of mutual submisison, mutual obedience devolves in my heart into mutual disobedience: if he's promised to obey me too, then I shouldn't have to obey him when I'm right... Am I right?
So now I say to mixed audiences, "Men, this one verse here is not to you so keep silent. It's where God is talking to his ladies hearts and you're just being left out here." And I explain as best I can to the women about my experience of mutual disobedience. Lately Psalm 103 hit me hard, that the Word of God is eternal while our days are like grass. So I add, "It will still say Wives, submit to your husbands long after I'm gone and whether or not I did!"
Gives us pause.

13 years ago @ Lisa notes... - What is it? · 1 reply · +1 points

Cool. Yes, I wrote a post today. In the face of failing to do so yesterday, dropping the ball so to speak on my 31 days of...thing. Grace? If I can give it to others but not myself...so I did.
Glad you're there, thanks for writing!

13 years ago @ GodsDreamsForJeri - Refreshing Day 17 ~ Le... · 1 reply · +1 points

Yes, yes, me too! I can't make a day happen right unless I ask him to be in charge of the timing, which is my way of saying let him set the pace. Today we're home sick, cancelled things I didn't realize we do on a "normal" Monday, and things I did! Well, and it's a good day and I'm thanking God for it. I think I can make dinner, even! Throw some chicken into the oven with spices sprinkled on (garlic and oregano are my standby but today it's herbes de provence) for an hour. Reheat soup a friend brought last night. Salad greens. See? Usually dinner is so hard for me to think of but with a day of nothing, dinner sounds fun to do. Thank you Lord! Thanks for being there writing of God, sister in Christ.

13 years ago @ http://angelaambroise.... - The touch of a wife · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes! Thank you for that encouragement! It was for me today. Staying the course, I am God's girl for my man. Good to know you're there.

13 years ago @ The Blazing Center - An Opal Ring And A Pip... · 1 reply · +1 points

I am one of God's spoiled children! I totally love how he told one daughter to send a gift to another. Yes, he does that! He isn't limited by monetary means...Ah to thank him moment by moment. I thank him for you, and for this post which I have to send now to a friend. God bless you!

13 years ago @ Kristine Remixed - Welcome Friends · 2 replies · +1 points

Yes! Go for the one-on-one. If you lived near me, I'd come over and try your cookies! My secret is when I focus on loving my guest she doesn't have eyes to see my clutter or dust. Big parties? You need a partner, whether spouse or friend or child or caterer or potluck.