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11 years ago @ Single Black Male - The Ridiculous Expecta... · 0 replies · +1 points

Actual conversation I had once.

*post orgasm* (using a trick or two that I had learned)

Him: "THAT WAS AMAZING! I think I saw God..."

(two days later while driving)

Him: so, you know that thing you did the other night...? I was wondering, like...uhm. You practice that a lot?

Me: I would say so...yeah.

Him: So, like...how many guys?

Me: One. You remember that I recently ended a nearly six year relationship with an older man? We lived together?

Him: yeah..but I figured...

Me: You REALLY think we only did it missionary for SIX DAMN YEARS?

Him: well. Doggy style too. But seriously, you only did that with one other guy?

My recent post Thoughts From Your Ex…

11 years ago @ Single Black Male - Mean Girls: The Many F... · 1 reply · +8 points

Feminism vs. Misandry

Feminism is the belief that women should be treated equally and fairly for their contributions to society. To close the gender gap, reduce violence against women (when the purpose of the violent acts are simply because they are women - i.e. rape in war, etc). Extreme "tea party" style feminism isn't feminism. It's misandry.

Misandry is the hatred of males as a sex, as opposed to misogyny, the hatred of women as a sex. The more we confuse that behaviour with feminism, the longer it will take us as a society to embrace the modern feminist movement. "Modern" as in the issues that face us today and not say for instance, the right to vote.

The rest of the post was enlightening, because I have tried to stay away from #BlackTwitter for all the reasons you've stated above. It's like crabs in a bucket.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - 6 "Little" Things that... · 0 replies · +1 points


Lips. Please for the love of all that is good and holy. Use Chapstick. That white spittle in the corners of your mouth are foul and all I think is that you have rabies.

Shoes. I was with a man for many years who probably only bought 2 pairs of shoes in that time. Maybe 3. They were all Prada and polished/cleaned regularly. Take care of your shoes! We notice.

Grooming. This should go unsaid, but really, y'all need to clean under your nails, check your pits, and please groom your nether regions.

Cologne. Not AXE. Cologne/aftershave. You lose 1-2 points if you don't wear cologne.

Grammar/Spelling. Not typos. Everyone makes mistakes. But habitual mis-use of your/you're or their/there/they're will cause my coochie to clamp down.

Pronunciation of foreign words that are now part of the English language. If you say you're going to Starbucks for an "expresso", I...I just cringe.

My recent post The Three Times You are NOT Entitled to P*ssy…

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Relationship Advice fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Funny. Years ago, when "He's Just Not That Into You" came out, I rolled my eyes.
One of my girls rolled her eyes and called it" White girl issues"...
Imagine my surprise when she asked me if I had read Harvey's book.

Same BS, different colour.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Sandy Hook: What You S... · 0 replies · +2 points

I will side eye a man who cries over a professional team's loss (and he's not a member of said professional team). But I will never side eye a man who cries over a child.

Can someone explain why military grade assault rifles are available at WalMart? I'm Canadian and I know we jokingly say it, but I seriously don't understand the need.

Beautiful post.

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - 10 Black Actresses fro... · 8 replies · +2 points

Fact: I have done the Whitley Gilbert routine.

But, no love for Freddie?

12 years ago @ Single Black Male - Single Sam's Episodes ... · 0 replies · +5 points

I read this story too fast! My popcorn hadn't even finished popping! If Lance is in the bathroom I will lose my sh!t

So what do you all think?

I want to throat punch Lance for this. She could be buck naked every time he sees her for all I care. To call and say things like “I don’t have time for this shit” and hanging up? Right there we have issues. Lance made the decision to pull out his wallet well before setting up any “terms”; he set the precedent for Sam to accept without expectation. HE clearly doesn't know how to deal with women properly.

Have you ever had a man proposition you in this way?

The first time was when I was 15 at my first after school job. A supplier of my boss offered me $1000 to take me out “to dinner” and my boss - who he had assumed was a my mother - an additional $1000 to set it up. Apparently, this is how things were done where he was from. When she rejected it the offer, and explained that she wasn’t my mother (and said "as a mother..." then proceeded to cuss him), he insisted hearing the rejection she provided from me directly. I had to tell this 60 year old man that I wasn’t interested and be POLITE about it in order to preserve the business relationship she had. It freaked me out so much, I went to the bathroom and threw up after.

Happened again last year. An influential man in my city (real influence) offered me an open door to his industry; I could be on the fast track. It would just mean sitting on his face…

I said no. He only stopped in his pursuit because of my imaginary boyfriend.

And how do we feel about one night stands?

In theory, meh. But I’ve had them. I don’t search for them though.

Can you understand why Sam felt the need to exert control over her sexuality?

I do, but I think it will only confuse her more. Someone else pointed out that she doesn’t seem too experienced dating-wise. That being said, it was the first time. Everyone should try it once just to see if it suits them.

Can't wait to see how this ends...

12 years ago @ Miss Jia: She ain&rsqu... - Open Discussion: Wendy... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think the idea that "natural" is not "professional" comes from us internally and that needs to stop.

Yes, there are some conservative, old school, and even racist people who associate natural with unruly, but I've worn my hair every way possible in corporate environments and have never received a complaint. I have friends who have rocked dreads in very corporate environments and have not been asked to change.

What sucks is that I've watched Fashion Police and a whole host of shows that referenced Viola's decision to go natural as "beautiful", "stunning", "fierce". L.A. times magazine did a spread with Viola sans wig. Leave it up to Wendy Weave Williams to knock it.

Crabs in a bucket full of perm...

13 years ago @ ThisIsYourConscience.com - The Horrible & Ugly TR... · 0 replies · +2 points

You're not goofy. You're sarcastic and smart...a lethal combination.

13 years ago @ ThisIsYourConscience.com - The Horrible & Ugly TR... · 1 reply · +5 points

I have no game. I admit.
But every so often I grow a pair and make the first approach.

I once stopped a guy walking by me and said "excuse me, has anyone ever told you that you look just like my next boyfriend?" He and his friends BOWED to me, stopped where they were going and came and hung out with me and my girl. They also said that if a guy ever tried to use that line, that he would've been shot down.

MEN love women who are direct, goofy and willing to start that conversation. I believe that if I had to the stones to be more direct, I'd meet a lot less boys and a lot more men...