2 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0
11 years ago @ Mind Mapping Software ... - Review: ConceptDraw MI... · 0 replies · +2 points
I'm trialing concept draw at the moment and I am very impressed with it as it helped me when I've started my new position at the uni. I will use it because it have collaboration with MS Word and Evernote which I use hardly.
In that when I write an article I need to be able to easily migrate from mindmap to Word and backwards to analyse all the parts of the story so Conceptdraw allows me to do that.
I also save bunch of info in evernote as i think this is the best note taking free app so now i can copy all the stuff to mindmaps and send my topics to evernote. I'm now on my phd and these programs help me to keep structured all the information i should collect for my research.
11 years ago @ Mind Mapping Software ... - New Evernote plug-in i... · 0 replies · +3 points
Since ConceptDraw MindMap has added EverNote button, my work became such a pleasure. i'm able save any part of a mind map, including topics, branches, and entire maps to Evernote, for instant access on any device. This means that my mindmaps can be accessed from most smart phones, tablets and computers. And since Evernote supports almost every OS and browsers, ConceptDraw's new feature opens the number of possibilities where I can use my map data.