


32 comments posted · 25 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy th... · 1 reply · +32 points

I wasn't around yesterday because I've been introducing a friend to Doctor Who through mega-marathons of the series, so I missed the moment to share with you this crappy gif that's been sitting on my desktop waiting for you to get to this point in the show for months now.
I'm sure you'll forgive me for being a day late and a dollar short.
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12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +10 points

Look, I know this is all Mark Watches spoilers stuff, but I've been really busy and FINALLY got around to watching the S6 finale of Dexter and I just need some place to say

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy Th... · 3 replies · +5 points

V qba'g guvax jr arrq gjb rcvfbqrf bs Ohssl ryfrjurer, orpnhfr gur arkg rcvfbqr fgvyy qrnyf jvgu gur snyybhg bs ure qrcnegher. Ohg qvssrerag fgebxrf, ru?

And yes, poor Giles!

12 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Buffy': ... · 1 reply · +1 points

V jngpurq zbfg bs gur rcvfbqrf unysjnl guebhtu F5 nf gurl bevtvanyyl nverq naq gura qvqa'g frr gurz ntnva, be nalguvat gung pnzr nsgre, hagvy 2008, jura V obhtug gur QIQf. V jnf gubebhtuyl zru ba Snvgu gur svefg gvzr nebhaq, fgvyy dhvgr zru ba ure gur frpbaq gvzr, naq abj gung V'z ba zl frpbaq pbzcyrgr erjngpu (pheeragyl ba F5 orpnhfr pbzr ba, jub pna jngpu whfg bar rcvfbqr n qnl) V nccerpvngr ure n terng qrny zber. Jvyybj/Knaqre jvyy nyjnlf or greevoyr gubhtu.

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 2 replies · +11 points

Ahh, I didn't really know how much this place is (or isn't) affiliated with Mark. In a way, I don't see what happens here as in any way different from what happens when people go off to vent on their own blogs/twitters/tumblrs/whatevers, but then the name does bring an extra issue into the mix, I guess. It's tricksy, for certain.

I think a possible solution would be some kind of balance between venting about a comment/commenter and engaging them. Like, if you vent about something, you also have to call out the person on their original comment, but after you've vented so that you had the chance to blow off steam. Looking at the example above, one could come here first and go "OH MY GOD I HAVE HAD IT WITH THE RACISM BINGO TODAY: LOOK AT YET ANOTHER PERSON DOING THIS SHIT" but then you could also reply to the original comment with a "hey, maybe you don't mean it this way, but your comment reads as derailing and this happens a lot and it's really frustrating" thus giving the commenter a way of defending hirself. If they don't want to listen to that and become defensive, rather than explaining/engaging/apologizing, you can still declare it open season.

Basically I would hate to see some of the older commenters drop out because they're frustrated with the community. I know what that's like (hey Jezebel hey) and it sucks for the drop outs and the people who liked having them around.

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +4 points

Season 4/5 mixtape prediction: "Arne gb Lbh" ol N Svar Seraml.

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +4 points

That is SPECTACULAR! Thanks so much! (I always forget about extensions, even though I live and breathe Missing E on Tumblr.)

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 2 replies · +5 points

Chrome. Man, have I been utterly wasting my time... all this time? I *was* wondering how everyone was responding to rot13 stuff so very fast. I keep copying, pasting, switching between tabs, wash, rinse, repeat.

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 1 reply · +7 points

Some of the spot-on-ness is kind of creepy, with almost everyone making predictions. I know, I know, even a broken clock etc. but it seems more than that.

12 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 4 replies · +6 points

Thank you! I actually have to write some 3,000 words for a paper before tomorrow (and it's already nearing 11pm where I am, whooo all-nighter) but instead I'm procrastinating with everyone's squees and flails. Highly entertaining. I love rot13 for enabling us to flail and post spoilers to our heart's content, but it does make reading every comment (well, almost every comment) a time-consuming process.