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12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - NSW Masters Day 1 · 3 replies · +1 points
I don't get to say this too often, but great job GW on getting the FAQ out quickly! Short and sweet. Glad they didn't wait until they had 5 pages worth of questions stored up. I truly hope this is something GW will make a habit of.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Tau & SW Tourney · 0 replies · +3 points
-the dark angel
I hate it when my psykers have to expose themselves. I guess they need an overseer for a reason. Perverts.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - To Ally or not to Ally... · 1 reply · +2 points
You can't rely solely on MSU troops to win you games, but a balanced hybrid approach can be effective when you use MSU for mobility and firepower and larger squads for durability.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - 2+ saves and You · 0 replies · +1 points
I'd argue it's actually slightly worse off this edition in the long run. Volume of fire seems to be even more important in 6th - meaning you'll be seeing more torrent potential in many armies. More troops are on the board, not riding around in rhinos/razors, meaning more bolters can be pointed at terminators. And everything 2+ armor gained with the AP3 nerf to power swords it lost with the proliferation of plasma.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Mistake Mondays: Back ... · 1 reply · +1 points
I may steal some of these for my next rules quiz. #2 is probably one of the most frequent mistakes I've seen.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Whither Chaos' Troop O... · 2 replies · +3 points
One of the challenges of listbuilding with the new chaos codex is choosing units that perform well in a certain role and then designing a list with units whose strengths compliment each other. If you try to make every unit in your chaos list capable of doing everything, you'll end up with overpriced generalist units that don't measure up to their imperial equivalents. Or you end up trying to shoehorn square pegs into round holes.
Plague marines give you durability. Their resilience lets you hold objectives and tie enemy units up in CC long enough for your CC specialists to arrive and finish the job. They're not the hammer, they're the anvil.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Scarabfarm in 6th - A ... · 0 replies · +1 points
The tesla destructor may not be the most efficient weapon you can point at TWC, but if you put enough wounds on anything, it'll fall over.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Small squads in 6th - ... · 1 reply · +2 points
Maximizing firepower through an MSU approach can still be a valuable part of list building, but it's just one of many considerations. It's important to balance small efficient units with the larger, more durable scoring units 6th edition scoring rules require.
Andrew Gonyo's winning list at Battle For Salvation was a really good example of a list that combined MSU firepower, durable scoring units, and mobility, including 10-man strike squads, a guard blob, and several 3-henchmen units in psybacks. Posted a copy of it here if anyone's interested:
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Emperor’s Legion Bat... · 1 reply · +1 points
I like this part even better because it's basically a tutorial on how to use transports effectively in 6th.
Get your troops into good positions (in this case midfield).
Block fire lanes.
Evacuate wounded units to help score objectives.
Provide support fire (including searchlights).
Anybody claiming transports aren't worth taking in 6th needs to read this batrep.
12 years ago @ 3++ is the New Black - Emperor’s Legion Bat... · 1 reply · +4 points
I think this is a good example what can happen when an unbalanced list comes up against a balanced list and an experienced general.
At least your opponent was trying to be humorous. With the thrashing you were giving him, lots of players would've become sulky, surly, rude, whiny, etc... Though I bet you could've done without the swoosh noises.
I still believe Fateweaver just costs too darn much, and I say that knowing full well that Nick Nanavati took 2nd in the NOVA Open with Fateweaver in his Daemons list, and remembering the success some Fatecrusher lists enjoyed in 5th. But if you're going to pay those kind of points, you'd better use his reroll bubble for all its worth. Your opponent here didn't seem to use it at all.
Seal meet club.