True. I guess there's a bit more ambiguity to the prophecy than Sahjhan thought...
Vampires can't "grow to manhood", though.
They are! (rot-13'd because of the reason for the connection) "Va gur fubj Fg. Ryfrjurer, Jrfgcunyy, Penvt, naq Nhfpuynaqre ivfvg gur Purref one, guhf rfgnoyvfuvat gung gurl ner va gur fnzr havirefr. Sebz gurer, Purref fcha bss gur frevrf Senvfre, juvpu svryqrq n cubar pnyy gb gur enqvb fubj sebz Wbua Urzvatjnl ba gur Wbua Yneebdhrggr Fubj. Gur Wbua Ynebdhrggr Fubj ersreraprf Lblbqlar, jub vf nyfb n pyvrag bs Jbysenz naq Uneg ba Natry. Naq jr nyy xabj Natry naq Ohssl ner va gur fnzr havirefr." Fbhepr: uggc://jjj.cvaxenltha.pbz/2010/05/19/vf-gur-jurqbairefr-whfg-n-svtzrag-bs-gbzzl-jrfgcunyyf-vzntvangvba/"
Eh, I don't read the final scene the same way you do (which I would say indicates that the ending IS ambiguous, since it is possible to read it in multiple ways). To me, that scene (and particularly Buffy's unresponsiveness in that scene) does not signify that she has slipped back into the imagined reality that is Sunnydale--rather, it signifies that she is steadfastly resisting the attempts of the imagined reality that is the institution to draw her back in (and it was imaginary!Joyce that gave her the strength to do so).
"Stephen Colbert just mentioned season six of 'Buffy' on his show!"
Interesting. In what context?
Ah, I was referring to some of the comments on the "Fool for Love" post, in which MrsGillianO pointed out that "England has railways, not railroads, and they are never constructed with spikes anyway" and that "The methods used were derived from the old ways of securing rails in the days when donkeys or mules hauled trucks of coal up to the pit-head. They adapted the systems already in use. Our rails are seated in a 'cradle', which holds the rail firmly but with sufficient give for expansion. The cradle in turn is bolted (very occasionally they use spikes, but I believe it was and is usually bolts) to the cross-beams which we call 'sleepers'. In William's day these were always huge baulks of timber, though I believe they are now made of concrete."
Well, Spike did get his name from torturing his victims with railroad spikes, and (historical inaccuracies regarding the existence of railroad spikes aside), that guy DID say he'd rather have a railroad spike through his head than listen to more of William's poetry, so...
"Fb, fjbeqf qba'g xvyy iratrnapr qrzbaf. Tbbq gb xabj."
V ybir gung Qerj Tbqqneq erzrzorerq guvf juvyr jevgvat "Frysyrff". Gung rcvfbqr vf whfg fb shyy bs pbagvahvgl abqf, sebz guvf gb Q'Ubssela'f craqnag gb Knaqre'f yvr gb Byns gur gebyy gb gur BZJS synfuonpx...
How about Krevlorngel (of the Deathwok Clan)?