


3 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ RiceHigh's Pentax... - First Glimpse at the P... · 0 replies · +5 points

Love the design! I hope it shines in low light capabilities :-)

10 years ago @ RiceHigh's Pentax... - Pentax FF is Planned t... · 3 replies · +1 points

The problem is: does Ricoh release FF for fans or for the Pro market. They say some times oago they want to be in the top three with Canon and Nikon and conquier the pro market. Lately, they said the FF was aimed at their fans... I'm quite disappointed... I am sure IQ will be great because Ricoh is good when speakig about image quality but it's not all. Have you ever try a camera targeted at the pro market? I had a Nikon D3s some months ago and what I can say is WOW! It was not the IQ but the reactivity of the camera, the noise of the mirror/shutter release, AF speed and accuracy... I love my K3 (like I loved my K5 before) but I don't want a FF sensor in a K3 body. I want a camera that react like a Pro camera. I understand the path followed by Ricoh releasing the 645z (a K3 with a MF sensor) but I think they should release something "really" Pro oriented a least like a D810 or 5D mark III.
For me, my dream Pentax FF would be a K3 external feel body but with the reactivity of a D3s class camera. If my only need was a FF sensor, I'd go with Sony A7; lots of people want more. I hope Ricoh has understood that...

10 years ago @ RiceHigh's Pentax... - CP Pentaxians\' Preca... · 0 replies · +1 points