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14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Rep.-Elect Allen West:... · 1 reply · +2 points

Where does Palin call for Assange to be killed? Not at this link.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Rep.-Elect Allen West:... · 0 replies · +3 points

Is everyone who calls for someone to be killed a fascist? What do you mean? By the way, Palin is a conservative and therefore, politically speaking, less likely to be a fascist than you are, since fascism is a movement from the Left. Full stop.

Of course, it may be that you are using the term in the popular liberal way to mean "something I don't like." Full stop. With close-quote.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Dick Durbin: Republica... · 0 replies · +5 points

Suitepotato IS a retard liberal and it still is difficult for him to make anyone look foolish—besides himself, of course.

"As you damn well know, cutting taxes on your so-called producers never results in any lowering of prices of goods and services, but is only immediately pocketed."

This statement is so completely stupid and thoughtless that if being a fool were a crime, you'd be looking at life without parole. Think about it, then try another blurt. Let me start you out: producers do in fact lower and raise prices based on other factors: transportation costs, labor costs, materials costs, energy costs, etc., etc. Why do you suppose that it might be different with regard to taxes, if indeed it is?

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - What If Obamacare Requ... · 1 reply · +4 points

If Obama and the Democraps have their way, and Obamacare proceeds as designed, half our earnings will be an incredible bargain.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Funny: "No Labels" Gro... · 1 reply · +1 points

Cocktail Party---good one.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Funny: "No Labels" Gro... · 0 replies · +1 points

Worst commentary in a while.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Government Run Health ... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is something to wonder at, but it is certain that he wrote to the reading masses who went nuts over the stuff. As I recall from accounts there were near-riots in NYC when the boat came in with the latest tabloid episode of Little Dorritt.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Government Run Health ... · 1 reply · +1 points

You cannot insure against pre-existing conditions. You can provide welfare for pre-existing conditions. It is a welfare program passed off as health insurance.
Wait--it just occurred to me! Perhaps there is some way my dead ancestors can take out life insurance policies. Here's how to do it: give power of attorney to some shyster so that after you die he can take out a life insurance policy in your name with benefits in the millions.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Government Run Health ... · 2 replies · 0 points

Ah, a lofty bit of divine text from the 19th century's Giant of Soap Opera.

14 years ago @ SayAnythingBlog.com - Democrat House Minorit... · 0 replies · +2 points

"Democrat House Minority Leader: Tea Party Is 'Poisonous To Our Future'"

More specifically, the Tea Party is DemocRAT poison.