I never expected them to be so upfront about it, it took me off guard. Most people, I'd think, would dodge that elephant in the room until it squished them. Though I guess, in their own Hanna/Marek way, they have been avoiding it... Man, it's really tough to see the trappings of continuity tearing away at these characters we thought were so permanent. My heart, Gran, my heart!
That may be more accurate. I remembered he had a scholarship from the PNA—forgot that was an American organization. Still, without employment, I don't imagine he'll be able to maintain his current living situation. Maybe he'll have to move back in with his family. Whatever the case, that thesis is a ticking plot time-bomb. When Marek finishes it and graduates, things are going to change for him in a big way.
Oh my god no no no no NO.
This is why his thesis is taking so long. When he finishes college, he'll have to go back to Poland. Every day he waits is an extra day with Hanna.
You just made me sad.
Here I am posting on a long forgotten comment thread, but the Victor arc always just gets me, you know? I think that in a lot of ways, Victor is us. Whereas the reader is usually a fly on the wall, observing but not interacting, Victor gives us a blank canvas through which we can experience the characters in a different way. We know everything about Eve and the gang as a nebulous cloud of motivations and experiences, but how many actual people do you know like that? Victor is a straight line passing through that cloud, not stopping or slowing, only coming into contact with each character for a moment. He lets us experience the characters not as characters, but as people living a particular moment of their lives. This is why Victor is so brilliant—he breaks the cartoon ridiculousness of the format and invites us to listen to what's on everyone's mind, if just for a day.
If only we could all sweet-talk cops and couch surf like pros...
Cue quasi-religious experience involving ironic 90s throwbacks and pepperoni pizza in 3... 2... 1...
Are you sure that was weed in those brownies, Hanna?
There are levels of meaning here that I can't even come close to comprehending.
If the drawn-out chhheewww is a nod to Lackadaisy, then much love. If not, then much love anyway, because it's the best sound effect.
sunuvabitch, I was right. and college hanna is cute.