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9 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - Saturday in the Garden... · 1 reply · +1 points

I have the same exact problem when I get bogged down with the books I'm reading! I just...stop reading all books, because I SHOULD be reading certain books, and if I read something else it's like...admitting defeat? Or something?

So all of this speak of gardening has reminded me that I had a brilliant idea that I must have had late at night because it does not seem so brilliant any more. In my living room I have ceiling tiles that I want to hang stuff from (but do not have a ladder for, but that's a separate problem). Then I thought hey...I could hang flowers from here! But your mention of shade has reminded me that....plants need sunshine. You know what doesn't let in any sun? My ceiling. UGH all my grand plans are foiled!

And my mom grew climbing roses all the way around our garage and they were GORGEOUS, so hopefully they work out for you!

(P.s. I'm loving the article you linked - I'm reading it right now)

9 years ago @ http://pagesofstarligh... - Fairy Tales in Movies · 1 reply · +1 points

Ever After was a definite favourite of mine for ages, and of course Disney movies are a staple of my movie diet! (I have to admit though, I have ALWAYS hated the Disney Snow White). I haven't seen a lot of the others you have on here though. I didn't know they'd adapted Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister! I generally find Maguire a little too weird for my taste, but I LOVED this one. I kind of wish I still had a copy...

Let's see other fairy tale live actions...there was that Snow White with Julia Roberts that was super gorgeous, but otherwise just alright. Oh and the adaption of Ella Enchanted which is truly awfuly. I know people love it...and I just can't. WHY. HOW?? (Of course none of them read the book first, so that could be it). I honestly think that's it which feels really weird!
My recent post Top Ten Inspiring Quotes

9 years ago @ http://studioreads.blo... - Review: Simon vs. The... · 1 reply · +1 points

I NEED this book in my life!!! I want to see if the library has it on May 1st, aka the day I can read white authors again. Everything I've heard about this just SCREAMS that it's up my alley (and you know how rarely I read contemporary books). I'm so freaking excited for it! I mean...love interest pen pals? HELLO I FREAKING LOVE THAT. Also a funny, realistic gay teen? *sobs* why can't I read it RIGHT NOW.

9 years ago @ http://studioreads.blo... - Review: The Cemetery B... · 1 reply · +1 points

Oh no! It's weird because the things you didn't like aren't genre things. I read Soulbound by Heather Brewer (it's a fantasy novel) a few years back and I remember really enjoying it - it brushes against instalove, but doesn't go full in. So it's weird to me that her failings here are in many ways character failings because I feel like people are people no matter where you put them. And she's written LOADS of books, so I guess...I would have expected better writing than you've described. So that's disappointing :-/
My recent post Happily Ever After: Top Five Characters I want to check on in their post book lives

9 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - REVIEW: Abhorsen by Ga... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yay!! I'm so glad you loved this since it's one of my favourites :) Are you planning on reading Clariel? It reads as a stand alone so it doesn't change anything about what you've already read and is hundreds of years a prequel. It's good, but I unsurprisingly didn't love it as much as the original trilogy haha

9 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - REVIEW: Lirael by Gart... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yay!! I was a little worried how you'd react to the self-pitying teen part (I think it's the one part of the series that bother adults most when they read it), but it really does feel so true to character. And also, as an angsty teenager, I NEEDED some of that. (Although I suppose to be honest I would have been an angsty preteen haha!) I agree with you on Curry's narration of Dog - I imagined a lot of his voices differently, and I didn't necessarily dislike the ones he chose, I still like the ones in my head best :)

Also, The Seventh Tower series I think tended a little more towards MG? I can't remember. I DO remember bringing the entire collection with me on a camping trip and absolutely DEVOURING them though. Did I love them as much as this series? No. But honestly, I have kind of a blind love for this series haha

9 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - Tough Traveling - Belo... · 1 reply · +1 points

This is the second time I've seen the Termeraire series mentioned - I've never heard of this series before, but it sounds AWESOME! I'm definitely adding it to my TBR list! And APPA!!! I didn't love Korra's spirit animal as much which made me sad, but Appa sets a pretty high bar I guess.

10 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - Tough Traveling - Bards · 0 replies · +1 points

Ah damn I forgot I was signed in on the work computer - It's Elizabeth haha

10 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - Tough Traveling - Bards · 2 replies · +1 points

As a musician, I have to say I was ashamed that I couldn't really come up with any bards this week! (Hence me not doing a post). Literally the only book/series I could come up with was Anne McCaffrey's Dragonsinger. It's a sad, sad day when a musician can't think of any books with musicians lol

10 years ago @ http://nodorkfear.blog... - Top Ten Tuesday - Book... · 1 reply · +1 points

Love Minus Eighty looks SO GOOD. How have I never heard of this before?!
My recent post Tell Me Tuesday (#1)