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9 years ago @ http://sailingthroughb... - Beautiful blogger awar... · 1 reply · +1 points

Vintage!! I don't own very many vintage items-a pair of gloves and a necklace from 19 century china. But that's awesome about your prom dress. Pictures would be greatly appreciated (hint, hint).
I'm almost exactly the same way about music, though country is (very slowly) growing on me. I never know what to title my playlists because there are so many different styles included in them. Do you have this problem?
I got a phone for Christmas and I am very addicted to it. *hangs head* I know, it's shameful. Perhaps you should do a post on living worhout a phone, or at least, without being on it all the time.
I think it's great that you don't have a role model. Yes, there are people with qualities I'd like to imitate, but there's no one person that I want to live my life like. It's my life; I'll have my own triumphs and shortcomings, thank you very much.
This was a lovely post, Sophie!
My recent post Can I Call Myself a Writer?

9 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Indulgence Designs #2:... · 1 reply · +1 points

These are all amazing Aila! (Ok, I admit, I don't like 'The Winner's Kiss' as well as the others-sorry.) But I do think that the simpler style is gorgeous! I just now set 'The Raven King' piece as my wallpaper.
The Raven Cycle is the only series out of these that I've read, but I do want to read Rutkoski's series at some point. Even so, I would totally join a prayer circle with you. I CAN'T WATCH MY BABIES DIE. The torture that is the reading life *sigh* It's still worth it though. And in dire times, I can always reread.
My recent post Thursday Quotables (the fifth)

9 years ago @ Happy Indulgence - Sword and Verse by Kat... · 1 reply · +1 points

This definitely sounds like one I should read! The synopsis sounded really busy, but it makes more sense for it to take place over several years. There are so many elements in this story that pull me in-I need to have it. Excellent review!
Your watercolor looks amazing!! The expression on her face is one of my favorite parts.

9 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - ARC Review: Dreamland · 1 reply · +1 points

I'd never heard of this one before, but now I definitely want to read it! I've actually been wanting a read that will scare me a bit more, and faceless dream men sounds like it'd do the trick. Also, your review was a delight to read.

9 years ago @ The Innocent Smiley - Tips For The Forgetful... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great post! All these tips are super helpful :) I should start note-taking more; I don't normally just because I'm lazy. But for books I need to review that I read months ago, it would make it so much easier. Though I don't read on my Kindle that often, I do love all the bookmarking/highlighting/note options. Especially for quotes.
And I don't skim, I jump around the page. Seriously, it's terrible. If a book is extremely boring, I probably just won't finish it. But if it gets interesting, I start skipping ahead, get confused, go back, skip again...gah, it's a vicious cycle.