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2 years ago @ http://www.information... - Israel\'s far-right go... · 1 reply · +5 points

Is Mr Levy not the slightest bit suspicious that the same people who condemn Russia for defending the bombarded citizens in Donbas are the very same who incessantly cry 'Israel has the right to defend itself against terrorism' underneath images of 12 year old Palestinian kids being blindfolded and surrounded by half a dozen IDF thugs?
I simply cannot understand that any rational person could be fooled by a relentless media campaign demonising Russia, even though they attempted negotiations for 8 years and despite the fact that Ukraine continually ignored any agreements.
Could a person of Mr Levy's credibility regarding the crimes of Israel be so wrong about Ukraine? I think not but I also have to question whether his concern for Palestinians is as genuine as I previously believed or if it's just another complex deception by a con-man. I'm very disillusioned.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -    Israel to... · 0 replies · +9 points

Perhaps the serial occupiers do have the hardware to extensively damage Iran and kill many thousands but they know they will be risking their own existence. During the last two decades, Iran has become a serious player in the manufacture of ballistic missiles, sharing them with the Resistance.
An attack on Iran will be regarded as an attack on all its enemies in the region and they will have nothing to lose by causing immeasurable damage to occupied Palestine. Does anyone really believe that they will be as steadfast as their own victims have been when countless rockets and missiles rain down on them? Yes, they have vast numbers of air raid shelters but they also know that the Iron Dome is a white elephant and as Postol pointed out, its success rate is at best 10%, more likely closer to 5%.
The occupiers lost almost as many military servicemen as their opponents in 2006 and since then haven't dared to provoke them. The occupiers are arrogant, belligerent and murderous but they aren't stupid. Mr Giraldi (I hope) is overestimating their courage with this prediction.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -    &nbs... · 0 replies · +11 points

So... A Rumanian and a Brit dies with minimum damage to the assets of an Israeli businessman. The regime occupying Palestine is the only entity that would gain from such an act. They are terrified of taking on Iran (specifically Hezbollah) alone. I would have thought they could design something much better than this but just like the tired routines of Zionist supporting Hollywood, they have no imagination.

4 years ago @ http://www.information... - Opinion - Time’s... · 1 reply · +23 points

I hope the writer of this article is right and freedom is on the close horizon for Palestinians. The simple fact is that Israel will stop at nothing to stop it taking place. The Palestinians in Gaza need freedom of movement and those around the West Bank 'settlements' need protection from marauding terrorist extremists. Those living as Israeli citizens require equal rights. Justice for Palestinians isn't negotiable and I fear that the Israelis will never willingly concede this basic right. Only military and economic pressure will. So be it.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... - Israel Has No Right to... · 0 replies · +5 points

What also needs to be acknowledged here is the amount of planning that went into this deliberate slaughter. From day one, ten or fifteen(?) snipers were ready to 'engage'. I didn't see any back up support for these snipers. If there had been a real fear of the Gazans breaking through the containment fence, what would a handful of snipers done to stop them? They would have managed to kill dozens more Palestinians but would ultimately have been killed. We would have seen lines upon lines of IDF soldiers if there was even the smallest chance of escape for the people of Gaza. Their own behaviour convicts the Israelis of exaggerating the threat in order to kill at will.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... - If U.S. Television Sho... · 0 replies · +7 points

There is a lot of deception surrounding the protection of Israel from public scrutiny. I'm not entirely sure Blumenthal isn't part of it. In the UK, Zionist supporters plot and calculate to gain maximum media criticism. Chris Friel has just published a paper that exposes the intricate timing involved in the recent attempt to get rid of Corbyn. These people are extremely dangerous to the rest of us, not just the Palestinians. https://www.academia.edu/37055678/MURALGAGA
They will stop at nothing to achieve their aims.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... -  Israel, Land Of ... · 0 replies · +19 points

Balloons versus US donated hi-tec weaponry and they still go and get an IDF soldier killed. They are incompetent. No wonder they are frightened to death of Hezbollah.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... - The Gaza Blockade Is I... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thanks for the link to detailedpoliticalquizzes, Ryan, it's very informative.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... - Everlast - Stone In My... · 1 reply · +4 points

It has to be a possibility dl66. I don't suppose we know for sure what these psychopaths 'governing' us are capable of. What we do know is that if they intend (as you say) to copy the the lunatics in the open air asylum (the Israelis), we should all be very worried.
Unfortunately (and I am as guilty as the next man) we won't act until it's imminent, instead of acting on behalf of others (as we should be doing now). Admittedly, it's becoming more and more difficult to criticise, never mind condemn the guilty but maybe it's time for us all to stand up and be counted - and ignore the charges of being anti semitic.

6 years ago @ http://www.information... - Everlast - Stone In My... · 2 replies · +8 points

They fear 'the stone in our hand'. Not because we are a military threat, we aren't, and never will be. It's the philosophical concept, because when we realise that the depravity they inflict on others far away can be just as easily switched to us, we have nothing to lose. Why are the Israelis so highly regarded for their 'security expertise'? Certainly, amongst us that are likely to read these pages, we don't see it as expertise but a vicious, criminal domination of a people locked in a prison with no means of defence.
The snipers targeting the Gazan's have something wrong with them, psychologically. For any government sending police forces to Israel or having them train law enforcers, it can mean only one thing. They intend using these tactics on us.
We without the uniforms cannot be regarded as equal human beings, maybe not even human at all. An honest appraisal by a psychology expert on how these people can commit such crimes would be interesting. How they manage to instill similar behaviour into others, even more so.